Custom Query (1194 matches)


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Results (601 - 700 of 1194)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1323 No slice-protection for deltaQP defect minor HM-16.2 HM
#1324 Scalable nesting SEI syntax at encoder defect minor HM-16.2 HM
#1325 Tiles result in incorrect entry-point values in dependent slice segments defect minor HM-16.2 HM
#1326 Bug in Encode Parameter check ksuehring defect minor HM-16.2 HM
#1332 Double read of SEI byte alignment when payload extension present defect minor HM-16.2 HM
#1340 Wrong conformance/default display window dimensions for field decoding defect minor HM-16.2 HM
#101 Function getPartIndexAndSize() cannot be used at the decoder enhancement minor HM-16.3 HM
#255 Potential Bug in HM (both in 4.0 and 5.0) defect minor HM-16.3 HM
#312 Redundant cbf_cb and cbf_cr flags when log2MaxTrafoSize is set to two defect minor HM-16.3 HM
#891 [clean-ups] Merge-related codet enhancement minor HM-16.3 HM
#953 Best motion not stored during uni-directional search in list1 in certain case defect minor HM-16.3 HM
#1070 HM performs loop filtering after replacing SPS/PPS defect major HM-16.3 HM
#1243 preestChromaPredMode is never called enhancement minor HM-16.3 HM
#1253 TComDataCU::getIntraDirLumaPredictor always returns 3 enhancement minor HM-16.3 HM
#1303 Next CVS headers are activated before previous has filters executed because of APS SEI defect major HM-16.3 HM
#1320 Range of values in residual modification process defect minor HM-16.3 HM
#1330 Repeated reference picture sets cause dangling pointers defect minor HM-16.3 HM
#1341 some variables with Flag suffix declared as other than Bool defect trivial HM-16.3 HM
#1347 Chroma-QP-adjustment encoder granularity defect minor HM-16.3 HM
#1350 mismatch between parameter list of TComTrQuant::init() and its invocation in TDecTop.cpp defect minor HM-16.3 HM
#1351 error in parsing terminating bit that ends slice_segment_data defect minor HM-16.3 HM
#1352 Ineffective QP loop in encodeResAndCalcRdInterCU enhancement minor HM-16.3 HM
#1354 right syntax elements naming in reference software enhancement minor HM-16.3 HM
#1355 CAVLC encoder decoder mismatch defect minor HM-16.3 HM
#1358 pps_extension_flag misleading syntax defect minor HM-16.3 HM
#1361 Extra profilePresentFlag conditions defect minor HM-16.3 HM
#1362 Add check for NumPicTotalCurr maximum value defect minor HM-16.3 HM
#1364 Wrong assert(0) in decoder defect minor HM-16.3 HM
#1368 HM vs specification mismatch defect minor HM-16.3 HM
#1369 validity check for cb_qp_offset_list [ i ] and cr_qp_offset_list[ i ] defect minor HM-16.3 HM
#1371 reserved_zero_43bits[32..42] written using 12 bits instead of 11 bits defect major HM-16.3 HM
#1198 HM Decoder does not handle decoding of a SAFF stream defect major HM-16.4 HM
#1327 Encoder: Incorrect decoding unit info in picture timing SEI ksuehring defect minor HM-16.4 HM
#1328 Encoder: Decoding unit info encoding may fail and is only available for SliceMode=1 ksuehring defect minor HM-16.4 HM
#1329 Encoder: nuh_temporal_id for SEI messages ksuehring defect minor HM-16.4 HM
#1343 HM should stop on unknown parameters enhancement major HM-16.4 HM
#1380 m_callerOwnsSEIs is not initialized defect minor HM-16.4 HM
#401 DeblockingFilterControlPresent parameter misleading karlsharman enhancement minor HM-16.5 HM
#671 DeltaQpRD mismatch when multiple slices are used karlsharman defect minor HM-16.5 HM
#1111 New encoder parameter: Disable Intra in Inter karlsharman enhancement minor HM-16.5 HM
#1265 Access Unit delimiter and filler data should be parsed defect minor HM-16.5 HM
#1276 CABAC status is not set correct karlsharman defect minor HM-16.5 HM
#1289 cbr_flag set by encoder ksuehring defect minor HM-16.5 HM
#1349 HM cannot decode the 1st buffering period SEI message. karlsharman defect major HM-16.5 HM
#1357 no-call functions karlsharman enhancement minor HM-16.5 HM
#1379 Inferred TU splitting flag in RDO. karlsharman defect minor HM-16.5 HM
#1381 Useless Assert in TComRdCost karlsharman enhancement trivial HM-16.5 HM
#1382 HM16.4: calls to printSummary are missing a parameter defect minor HM-16.5 HM
#1387 documentation of bWriteMode parameter to TVideoIOYuv::open() is incorrect defect trivial HM-16.5 HM
#1394 m_LocalRPS is not reset between CVSs, resulting in incorrect long term reference picture count defect minor HM-16.6 HM
#1397 extra variable enhancement minor HM-16.6 HM
#1399 line to remove enhancement trivial HM-16.6 HM
#1400 bad destructor enhancement trivial HM-16.6 HM
#1392 ARM cross-compilation issues with g++/Linux defect minor HM-16.7 HM
#1405 HEVC BluRay Compliant enhancement minor HM-16.7 HM
#1406 duplicate lines enhancement trivial HM-16.7 HM
#1408 tautology enhancement trivial HM-16.7 HM
#1410 Memory leak in TEncGOP::xCreatePictureTimingSEI defect minor HM-16.7 HM
#1414 orphaned variables enhancement minor HM-16.7 HM
#1417 boundary filtering condition for Intra DC mode defect minor HM-16.7 HM SCC
#1429 cfg_DisplayPrimariesCode fix defect minor HM-16.8 HM
#1430 TComPicYuv.cpp possible memory leak enhancement minor HM-16.8 HM
#1407 HM cannot compile with VS 2015 defect minor HM-16.9 HM
#1443 extra condition on reading of loop_filter_across_tiles_enabled_flag enhancement minor HM-16.10 HM
#1446 naming mismatch enhancement minor HM-16.10 HM
#1447 Leftover TEMPORAL_SUBSAMPLE macro defect minor HM-16.10 HM
#1457 HM x64 Release build and Debug build generate different results defect major HM-16.13 HM
#1444 orphaned line enhancement minor HM-16.14 HM
#1460 MV search range in HM-16.13 defect minor HM-16.14 HM
#1268 Typographical errors (various sections) defect minor v5 Text
#1302 WP unnecessary condition for log2Wd < 1 enhancement trivial v5 RExt text
#1315 Inconsistent variable naming: CpbCnt defect minor v5 Text
#1375 minor fix for the spec enhancement minor v5 Text
#1384 orphaned symbol in the spec enhancement minor v5 Text
#1390 Duplicated lines in enhancement minor v5 RExt text
#1398 Typos in the Text defect minor v5 Text
#1403 un-used index in the loop in eq. (F-53) (JCTVC-R1013_v6) defect trivial v5 Text
#1415 tsShift calculation with extended_precision_processing_flag defect minor v5 RExt text
#1424 nCS1L is not defined but used defect minor v5 RExt text
#1428 there seems to be a typo about anticlockwise_rotation defect minor v5 RExt text
#1454 ambiguous formula enhancement minor v5 Text
#1499 Equation 8-47 in v5 spec was inadvertently changed from v4 spec defect minor v5 Text
#435 Terminology: Usage of 'location' vs usage of 'position'. bbross defect minor D10 Text
#519 definition of bi-prediction, uni-prediction and list 0 prediction is unclear bbross defect minor D10 Text
#685 HM8/WD mismatch for abs_mvd_greater0_flag and abs_mvd_greater1_flag ctxIdx values bbross defect minor D10 Text
#692 frame definition missing bbross defect trivial D10 Text
#698 Definition of TRAIL_R, TSA_R and STSA_R in Table 7-1, and a typo "candiate" bbross defect minor D10 Text
#797 resSamples is not defined to be 0 when skip_flag is equal to 1 bbross defect minor D10 Text
#810 Table 9-32 : maxBinIdxCtx is incorrect for some syntax elements bbross defect minor D10 Text
#862,, condition involving {vps,sps}_sub_layer_ordering_info_present_flag is inverted bbross defect minor D10 Text
#875 : singleMCLFlag = 1 leads to the same vector for every PB of the CB bbross defect minor D10 Text
#879 SAO luma vs. chroma locations bbross enhancement trivial D10 Text
#881 slice_disable_deblocking_filter_flag in in-loop filter process bbross enhancement trivial D10 Text
#883 typos and potential editorial changes in 8.7.2 Deblocking filter process bbross enhancement trivial D10 Text
#894 RASL_NUT and RADL_NUT in definitions bbross defect minor D10 Text
#903 Ambiguity in binarization of coeff_abs_level_remaining bbross enhancement minor D10 Text
#904 Mismatch with HM in derivation of ctxIdxInc for coeff_abs_level_greater1_flag bbross defect minor D10 Text
#914 The behavior of transform_skip_flag as 0 is not specified. bbross defect minor D10 Text
#935 Possible confusion in removal of pictures from DPB bbross defect trivial D10 Text
#944 Semantics on pic_scaling_list_data_present_flag bbross defect major D10 Text
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