
Welcome to JVET HEVC Trac

Welcome to the JVET HEVC issue tracker.

Report a new bug/issue

Bug reporting for Range Extensions (HEVC/Amd1)

Starting with HM 16.0 the range extensions have been merged into the mainline HM software. New bugs should be reported on mainline HM.

Also the text has been integrated for version 2 of the standard. A specific RExt draft does not exist anymore.

Bug reporting for Screen Content Coding

SCC software and text bugs can bee reported in this bug tracker by selecting the appropriate components:

Other Extensions

For bugs related to MV and 3D HEVC extensions and the HTM software please use the 3D-HEVC bug tracker.

For bugs related to the SHVC extensions and the SHM software please use the SHVC bug tracker.

User accounts

You must be logged in to create a new ticket. This prevents spam and guarantees the provision of an email address so that we can contact the reporter of any issue with follow-up questions.

New user accounts are confirmed manually. So it may take between a few hour and up to several days depending on availability of software coordinators.

Login data is processed in the account system according to the Fraunhofer HHI Data Protection Policy.

Last modified 4 years ago Last modified on Nov 16, 2020, 2:42:31 PM