Custom Query (36 matches)


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Status: closed (36 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#993 TEncSAO m_dLambdaLuma/Chroma member variables not required enhancement trivial HM-9.2 fixed
#599 Long term reference pictures (LTRPs) and MSB cycle presence defect minor HM-7.0 fixed
#872 overwrite SPS parameters when different id SPS is decoded defect minor HM-9.0 fixed
#994 Emulation prevention bytes igonred by HM decoder to calculate entry_point_offset[ i ] when entropy_coding_sync_enabled_flag is enabled. defect major HM-9.1 fixed
#1007 Invalid weighted prediction offsets defect minor HM-9.2 fixed
#1012 HM10.0 does not decode bitstreams starting with a CRA. defect major HM-10.0 fixed
#1027 RDOQ sign bit hiding defect minor HM-9.2 fixed
#1028 Encoder carries over tile entry point information of previously coded dependent slices into current dependent slice header defect minor HM-10.0 fixed
#1033 NAL unit type names do not match text defect minor HM-10.0 fixed
#1040 Segmentation fault when decoding consecutive IDR frames ksuehring defect minor HM-10.0 fixed
#1049 TEncCu problems defect critical HM-9.2 invalid
#1051 Error when decoding sequences with multiple sequence parameter sets defect minor HM-10.0 duplicate
#1052 checkCRA function with long-term reference pictures defect minor HM-10.0 fixed
#1053 max_dec_pic_buffering signalling in VPS and SPS defect minor HM-10.0 fixed
#1054 Decoder bug when pictures share the same POC lsb defect major HM-10.0 fixed
#1056 heap corruption when decoding bitstream with HRD parameters defect minor HM-10.0 fixed
#1059 bitstream random access issue defect minor HM-10.0 fixed
#1060 Segmentation fault when decoding streams with multiple picture parameter sets ksuehring defect minor HM-10.0 fixed
#1061 HM decoder crashes when field_seq_flag is equal to 1 defect minor HM-10.0 fixed
#1062 HM decoder crashes when there is no payload_bit_equal_to_zero at the end of a SEI message defect minor HM-10.0 fixed
#1063 Random access with IDR issue defect minor HM-10.0 fixed
#1064 TComPrediction may allocate undersized temp buffer ksuehring defect minor HM-10.0 fixed
#1066 How to define tiles with wavefront defect minor HM-9.2 invalid
#1068 Slice RPS parsing can modify RPS in SPS defect minor HM-10.0 fixed
#1069 HM omits dependent slices when skipping RASL pics defect minor HM-10.0 fixed
#1071 Nonconforming RPS in CRA pictures defect major HM-10.0 fixed
#1073 for testing defect minor HM-10.0 invalid
#1074 Decoder output is wrong for IPBB sequence defect major HM-10.0 fixed
#1076 Encoder generates a non-conforming bitstream by encoding a coefficient level of +32768 when sign hiding is enabled defect minor HM-10.0 duplicate
#1085 Insufficient bits for the result of luma quarter pel interpolation in HM code. defect minor HM-10.0 invalid
#1089 Encoder crashes when using fixed rate and fixed slice length defect major HM-10.0 duplicate
#1094 Incorrect decode at bitdepth 14 defect minor HM-10.0 invalid
#1097 Incorrect long term reference POC calculation in reference decoder defect minor HM-10.0 invalid
#1100 Calculation for PicWidthInCtbsY doesn't seem to match the spec defect minor HM-10.0 invalid
#1103 there is no intra pred ref sample check David Flynn defect minor HM-10.0 invalid
#1104 Filtering process of neighbouring samples is missing in our code David Flynn defect minor HM-10.0 invalid
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