Custom Query (49 matches)


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Status: closed (49 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#328 (Actual version: H1003_dK) A few missing items bbross defect minor D7 (I1003) d9 fixed
#704 combIdx is not initialized bbross enhancement trivial D8 (J1003) d7 duplicate
#702 confusing phantom equations bbross defect minor D8 (J1003) d7 fixed
#733 : Behavior when collocated PB cross right picture boundary. bbross defect minor D9 (K1003) v10 fixed
#722 : Collocated derivation, Confusing reference to "every" reference picture list. bbross defect minor D8 (J1003) d7 fixed
#721 8.6.1 tiles_or_entry_coding_sync_idc used bbross defect minor D8 (J1003) d7 fixed
#690 Annex A: trivial ditorial issues bbross defect trivial D8 (J1003) d7 fixed
#629 Change in semantics of entry_point_offset[ i ] to disallow putting no entry points in the presence of tiles/wpp bbross defect minor D7 (I1003) d9 fixed
#665 Checking constrained_intra_pred_flag is missing bbross defect minor D8 (J1003) d7 fixed
#699 Derivation process of chroma offset in WP when an input bit depth is beyond 8bit bbross defect minor D8 (J1003) d7 fixed
#731 Figure C-2: fields / frames bbross defect minor D8 (J1003) d7 fixed
#668 HM8/WD mismatch for coeff_abs_level_greater1_flag context derivation bbross defect minor D8 (J1003) d7 fixed
#660 In subclause, one sentence to set boundary strength equal to 1 is missing bbross defect minor D8 (J1003) d7 duplicate
#627 Inferring split_transform_flag: mismatch between HM 7.1 and D9 (I1003) d9 Draft Text bbross defect minor D7 (I1003) d9 fixed
#625 Level 2 MaxBR and Max CPB Size not updated bbross defect trivial D7 (I1003) d9 fixed
#724 Loop in RasterScan to TileScan lacks an early exit bbross defect minor D8 (J1003) d7 invalid
#586 Matrix index xy or yx: swapped in Subclauses 8.6.3 and 8.6.4 bbross defect trivial D7 (I1003) d9 fixed
#667 Missing initialization of combIdx in combined bi-predictive candidates bbross defect trivial D8 (J1003) d7 fixed
#706 No definition of Log2MaxCtbSize bbross defect minor D8 (J1003) d7 fixed
#616 Output missing in 8.6.1, minor text corrections in 8.6.2 bbross defect trivial D7 (I1003) d9 fixed
#779 Prediction weight table syntax bbross defect minor D8 (J1003) d7 fixed
#780 Profile, tier and level syntax bbross defect minor D8 (J1003) d7 invalid
#694 Some very trivial issues bbross defect trivial D8 (J1003) d7 fixed
#658 Subclause 7.3.3 profile_tier_level() referenced as profile_and_level() bbross defect trivial D8 (J1003) d7 fixed
#778 Subclause 7.4.3: general_tier_flag bbross enhancement trivial D8 (K0030) v3 fixed
#688 Syntax/Semantics: Organization of subclauses, naming bbross defect trivial D8 (J1003) d7 fixed
#697 Typo in about setting availableFlagN bbross defect trivial D8 (J1003) d7 fixed
#677 Typo in about binarization process for coeff_abs_level_remaining benjamin.bross@… defect minor D8 (J1003) d7 fixed
#718 Typo in subclause 6.4.1 bbross defect minor D8 (J1003) d7 fixed
#752 Typo: 7.3.5 "scaling_list_data", 7.4.5 "scaling_list_delta_coef" bbross defect trivial D8 (K0030) v3 fixed
#683 Typos in and 9.3.2 bbross defect minor D8 (J1003) d7 fixed
#693 Typos, etc in Subclause 7.4 bbross defect minor D8 (J1003) d7 fixed
#689 Typos, etc in Subclause 8.7.2 Deblocking filter process bbross defect minor D8 (J1003) d7 fixed
#684 Weighted Prediction Formula Bug in Weighted sample prediction process bbross defect critical D8 (J1003) d7 fixed
#824 [TEXT] Add QuadHD to table A-3& A-4 bbross task trivial D9 (K1003) v4 fixed
#772 cross-slices loop filtering enabled flag bbross defect minor D8 (J1003) d7 fixed
#664 ctxIdxMap table is missing an entry bbross defect minor D8 (J1003) d7 invalid
#758 cu_transquent_bypass_flag for subsequent IPCM blocks bbross defect minor D8 (J1003) d7 fixed
#859 decoded_picture_hash() operator precedence issue bbross defect minor D9 (K1003) v9 fixed
#632 derivation of significant_coeff_group_flag ctxIdxInc does not handle non-square CG bbross defect minor D7 (I1003) d9 fixed
#631 missing value in ctxIdxMap bbross defect minor D7 (I1003) d9 fixed
#349 part_mode parsing bbross defect minor D7 (I1003) d9 fixed
#741 pic_order_lsb --> pic_order_cnt_lsb bbross defect minor D8 (K0030) v3 fixed
#793 possible infinite loop in bbross defect minor D8 (J1003) d7 fixed
#695 prefix of firstGreater1ScanPos bbross enhancement minor D8 (J1003) d7 fixed
#624 prev_intra_pred_flag should be prev_intra_luma_pred_flag bbross defect trivial D7 (I1003) d9 fixed
#524 transform issues bbross defect major D7 (I1003) d9 fixed
#630 transform_tree xBase and yBase should be previous x0C and y0C bbross defect minor D7 (I1003) d9 fixed
#705 typo for upCtbInSlice derivation in subclause7.3.7.1 (page42) bbross defect minor D8 (J1003) d7 fixed
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