Opened 13 years ago Closed 13 years ago #702 closed defect (fixed) confusing phantom equations
In, when deriving mvLXB and availableFlagLXB, the step 2 specifies the condition to modify xBk by equations 8-131 to 8-133.
However, in the following step 4 and 6, xBk's are again set to the values specified in step 1 (say, xB0 = xP + nPbW, xB1 = xB0 − 1, and xB2 = xP − 1). This makes step2 phantom modification. Change History (2)comment:1 Changed 13 years ago by DefaultCC Plugin
comment:2 Changed 13 years ago by bbross
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Since ( xBk, yBk ) are already defined in 1. and modified in 2., there is no need to specify them again in 4. and 6. but even worse, it ignores the modification in 2.
Deleting " where xB0 = xP + nPbW, xB1 = xB0 − 1, and xB2 = xP − 1" in 4. and 6. solves this issue.
Will be fixed in JCTVC-K0030_v3 (to be released)