Custom Query (21 matches)


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Status: closed (21 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#237 When GOPSize=1, Decode mistake after IDR defect critical HM-5.0 duplicate
#213 Encoder problem when PCM and sub-CU dQP are used defect minor HM-4.0 fixed
#232 HM-4.1-dev-entropy (r1596) decoder crash defect minor HM-4.1 fixed
#241 Assertion failure with --FramesToBeEncoded=1 on configurations with a GOP length > 1 defect minor HM-5.0 fixed
#242 ListCombination config parameter verification was disabled when the LowDelayCoding parameter was removed. defect minor HM-5.0rc1 fixed
#250 decoder crashes again for low QP defect minor HM-5.0 fixed
#252 code that does nothing defect trivial HM-5.0rc1 fixed
#257 Null Pointer check missing defect minor HM-5.0 fixed
#258 Uninitialized variables in TComSlice defect minor HM-5.0 fixed
#260 two corner case issues with r1686 SimonO defect minor HM-5.0 fixed
#261 wavefrontsynchro=1 causes decoder crashes defect minor HM-5.0 fixed
#265 DisableInter4x4=0 induces Hm5.0 decoder crash SimonO defect minor HM-5.0 fixed
#271 DecodingRefreshType=2 does not work correctly defect minor HM-5.0 fixed
#272 Decoder crashes in deblocking when pictures are lost defect minor HM-5.0 fixed
#273 Long-term picture decoder issue defect minor HM-5.0 fixed
#274 Decoder temporal scaling flag "-t" does not work defect minor HM-5.0 fixed
#283 Weighted prediction table is written/read for entropy slices ksuehring defect minor HM-5.0 fixed
#284 Unused context for cu_qp_delta syntax davidf defect minor HM-5.0 fixed
#285 1-pass ALF encoder issue due to correlation calculations defect minor HM-5.0 fixed
#287 num_reorder_frames is coded twice ksuehring defect minor HM-5.0 fixed
#294 wrong chroma qp offset in intra loco configuration defect minor HM-5.1rc2 fixed
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