Custom query (100 matches)


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Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#21 The code for deriving (xRL, yRL) for inter-layer motion parameter derivation seems to be wrong Vadim defect critical SHM-6.0 SHM software
#22 A bug in parsing of ref_format() Vadim defect critical SHM-6.0 SHM software
#23 Another bug in parsing of ref_format() Vadim defect critical SHM-6.0 SHM software
#24 The decoder crashes when VPS extension is not present in the bitstream Vadim defect critical SHM-6.0 SHM software
#25 The decoder crashes when VPS VUI is not present in the bitstream Vadim defect critical SHM-6.0 SHM software
#27 The decoder crashes when colour_mapping_enabled_flag is not present in the bitstream Vadim defect critical SHM-6.1 SHM software
#76 TComDataCU::getBaseColCU has signed/unsigned error Vadim defect critical SHM-9.0 SHM software
#32 SHM-6.0 (CGS=0) memory leak Vadim defect major SHM-6.0 SHM software
#35 SHM6.1 Decoder Aborts Vadim defect major SHM-7.0 SHM software
#41 scaled_ref_layer_offset_present_flag index in PPS extension encoding Vadim defect major SHM-7.0 SHM software
#42 sps_scaling_list_ref_layer_id should be u(6) Vadim defect major SHM-7.0 SHM software
#43 decoder ignores sps_ext_or_max_sub_layers_minus1 Vadim defect major SHM-7.0 SHM software
#45 parseProfileTier() fix Vadim defect major SHM-8.0 SHM software
#52 wrong chroma upsampling scale factor Vadim defect major SHM-8.0 SHM software
#70 offsets not applied in TComDataCU::getBaseColCU() Vadim defect major SHM-8.0 SHM software
#77 Broken logic when sps_sub_layer_ordering_info_present_flag==0 Vadim defect major SHM-9.0 SHM software
#78 encoder assertion on multiple layers coding structure Vadim defect major SHM-9.0 SHM software
#83 LayerConfig Configuration Option Not Operational Vadim defect major SHM software
#2 Control of inter-layer motion prediction and sample based prediction for SNR scalability jlchen defect minor Draft 7 SHVC text and test model
#3 Requirements on bitstream conformance for reference index for inter-layer sample based prediction jlchen defect minor SHVC text and test model
#4 Requirements on bitstream conformance for collocated reference index for inter-layer motion based prediction jlchen defect minor SHVC text and test model
#5 Incorrect inter-layer RPS derivation using all_ref_layers_active_flag Vadim defect minor SHM software
#6 Decoding crash when SliceMode=2 for RA and LDP/B cases Vadim defect minor SHM software
#8 Bug in All Intra configuration with inter-layer prediction disabled Vadim defect minor SHM software
#9 On editorial fixes on Profile, tier and level semantics in subclause F.7.4.4 jlchen defect minor SHVC text and test model
#10 Derivation F-2 and F-3 jlchen defect minor Draft 5 SHVC text and test model
#12 NumOutputLayerSets and numOutputLayerSets jlchen defect minor Draft 5 SHVC text and test model
#13 Current state for inter-layer reference picture jlchen defect minor Draft 5 SHVC text and test model
#14 nuh_layer_id value to be in the range of 0 to 62 inclusive jlchen defect minor Draft 5 SHVC text and test model
#15 Inference of DPB-parameters in SPS Vadim defect minor SHM software
#17 SPS layer ID should not be used for layer ID of slice Vadim defect minor Draft 5 SHM software
#18 pps_extension_type_flag index jlchen defect minor Draft 5 SHVC text and test model
#19 typo in SHVC text jlchen defect minor Draft 6 SHVC text and test model
#20 Mismatch of SHVC draft 5 and SHM-5.0 software in bit-depth scalability with 1x scalability Vadim defect minor Draft 5 SHM software
#26 Declaration of m_maxTSLayerMinus1 Vadim defect minor Draft 5 SHM software
#28 encoder bug in motion search for ILR (non-CTC) Vadim defect minor SHM-6.1 SHM software
#29 On all_layers_idr_aligned_flag Vadim defect minor SHM software
#30 Correction of vertical reference layer sample location in luma resampling - draft 6 jlchen defect minor Draft 6 SHVC text and test model
#31 Inaccurate note related to IRAP picture definition jlchen defect minor Draft 6 SHVC text and test model
#33 incorrect TemporalId for EOB_NUT Vadim defect minor SHM-6.1 SHM software
#34 VpsInterLayerMotionPredictionEnabled derivation jlchen defect minor Draft 7 SHVC text and test model
#36 max_tid_ref_present_flag=1 when no ILP is available Vadim defect minor SHM-6.1 SHM software
#37 Undefined variables in H. jlchen defect minor Draft 7 SHVC text and test model
#38 Incorrect layer indeces/IDs in aligned bumping Vadim defect minor SHM software
#39 redundant parentheses in equations H-85 and H-86 jlchen defect minor Draft 7 SHVC text and test model
#40 cross_layer_phase_alignment_flag needs to be removed Vadim defect minor SHM-7.0 SHM software
#44 VPS: SHM Software fixes to match Spec Vadim defect minor SHM-8.0 SHM software
#46 refRegionOffsetPresentFlag incorrectly configured Vadim defect minor SHM-8.0 SHM software
#47 PTL init in TAppEncTop.cpp Vadim defect minor SHM-8.0 SHM software
#48 OlsIdx fix in TAppEncCfg Vadim defect minor SHM-8.0 SHM software
#49 SHM Software Encoder fixes to match Spec Vadim defect minor SHM-8.0 SHM software
#50 Bugs DefaultTargetOutputLayerIdc is equal to 2 Vadim defect minor SHM-8.0 SHM software
#51 Profile value in config files Vadim defect minor SHM-8.0 SHM software
#53 setNumDirectRefLayers in InitSPS Vadim defect minor SHM-8.0 SHM software
#54 Use of sps_rep_format_idx Vadim defect minor SHM-8.0 SHM software
#55 Signalling of syntax element all_layers_idr_aligned_flag in VPS VUI Vadim defect minor SHM-8.0 SHM software
#56 Assignment of value for base_layer_parameter_set_compatibility_flag[ i ] Vadim defect minor SHM-8.0 SHM software
#57 Setting the PTL in the init() function Vadim defect minor SHM-8.0 SHM software
#58 rev 1005: Void TDecTop::xDeriveSmallestLayerId(TComVPS* vps) Vadim defect minor SHM-8.0 SHM software
#59 PPS scaling list inferring fix Vadim defect minor SHM-8.0 SHM software
#60 Decoder assertion on multiple layer dependency structure Vadim defect minor SHM-8.0 SHM software
#61 SPS PPS 6 bit extension Vadim defect minor SHM-8.0 SHM software
#62 Independent non-base layer extracted from ExtractAddLS cannot be decoded by HM Vadim enhancement minor SHM-8.0 SHM software
#65 Decoder output reconstruction file :The bit depth was not set correctly for each layer. Vadim defect minor SHM-8.0 SHM software
#66 Wrong layer ID used when calling setNumDirectRefLayers Vadim defect minor SHM-8.0 SHM software
#67 m_baseLayerPSCompatibilityFlag may have undefined values in the decoder Vadim defect minor SHM-8.0 SHM software
#68 Incorrect layer indeces in assert statements Vadim defect minor SHM-8.0 SHM software
#69 potential issue with PPS reference layer location offsets Vadim defect minor SHM-8.0 SHM software
#71 Q0096_OVERLAY_SEI compile error when ENC_DEC_TRACE is enabled Vadim defect minor SHM-9.0 SHM software
#72 if statement with fixed layer_id value as test condition Vadim defect minor SHM-9.0 SHM software
#73 O0092_0094_DEPENDENCY_CONSTRAINT assert bug Vadim defect minor SHM-9.0 SHM software
#74 Wrong layer ID is used in multiple places Vadim defect minor SHM-9.0 SHM software
#75 Semantics of max_vps_dec_pic_buffering_minus1 jlchen defect minor Draft 7 SHVC text and test model
#79 decoder assertion for 3 layers structure when MaxTidRefPresentFlag is on Vadim defect minor SHM-9.0 SHM software
#81 Problem with consecutive IDR pictures Vadim defect minor SHM-10.0 SHM software
#82 poc_reset_idc equal to 3 implementation Vadim defect minor SHM software
#84 Wrong inference in layer_set_idx_for_ols when NumLayerSets is equal to 2 Vadim defect minor SHM-11.0 SHM software
#85 Wrong NumViews derivation Vadim defect minor SHM-11.0 SHM software
#86 Potential issue on identical motion check Vadim defect minor SHM-11.0 SHM software
#87 Encoder assertion for low-delay temporal scalability Vadim defect minor SHM-11.0 SHM software
#88 Cannot pass all HEVC conformance streams Vadim defect minor SHM-11.0 SHM software
#89 num_partitions_in_scheme_minus1 inference jlchen defect minor SHVC text and test model
#92 The different PartNum of different layers has problem Vadim defect minor SHM-11.0 SHM software
#93 Problem when opening files in decoder Vadim defect minor SHM-12.0 SHM software
#94 decoder crashed on reference bitstreams Vadim defect minor SHM-12.0 SHM software
#95 Temporal layer bitstream constraints jlchen defect minor SHVC text and test model
#96 get scaled ref window from PPS Vadim defect minor SHM-12.0 SHM software
#97 no build with AVC_BASE 0 Vadim defect minor SHM-12.0 SHM software
#101 wrong conformance check on encoder side Vadim enhancement minor SHM-12.0 SHM software
#102 NO_CLRAS_OUTPUT_FLAG may not be disabled Vadim defect minor SHM-12.0 SHM software
#104 The encoder output shows the framerate in the intraPeriod field Vadim defect minor SHM-12.0 SHM software
#105 misleading text jlchen defect minor Draft 7 SHVC text and test model
#108 wrong loop Vadim defect minor SHM-12.0 SHM software
#109 syntax naming mismatch Vadim defect minor SHM-12.0 SHM software
#110 naming mismatch Vadim enhancement minor SHM-12.0 SHM software
#111 Underspecification for nuh_layer_id of ilRefPic in H.8.1.4 jlchen defect minor Draft 7 SHVC text and test model
#114 Bug in parsing of Profile Tier Level Vadim defect minor SHM-12.0 SHM software
#7 missing a close-bracket on slice_pic_order_cnt_lsb jlchen defect trivial SHVC text and test model
#11 No more using active layer SPS in H.11.1.2 jlchen defect trivial Draft 5 SHVC text and test model
#16 On vps_non_vui_extension_data_bit in subclause F. jlchen defect trivial Draft 6 SHVC text and test model
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