Opened 10 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

#37 closed defect (fixed)

Undefined variables in H.

Reported by: cgisquet Owned by: jlchen
Priority: minor Milestone: Draft 7
Component: SHVC text and test model Version: Draft 5 version 2
Keywords: Cc: patrice.onno@…, jlchen, yanye, jillboyce, jct-vc@…


This was found in Draft 7 (JCTVC-R1008v7). This also seems to be present in the ITU-T prepublished recommendation T-REC-H.265-201410. Because of this, the milestone and version are probably incorrectly set.

The first issue is a typo, which causes xPb to be defined twice instead of yPb.

Furthermore, the variables xP and yP, although obvious in light of other sections, are undefined there.

A simplistic solution would be to change [xy]Pb to [xy]P to fix this.

The changed text would then read:

For each 16x16 prediction block of the resampled picture with the top-left luma sample location at ( xP, yP ), where xP = xB << 4 and yP = yB << 4, for xB = 0..( ( PicWidthInSamplesCurrY + 15 ) >> 4 ) − 1 and yB = 0..( ( PicHeightInSamplesCurrY + 15 ) >> 4 ) − 1, its motion and mode parameters rsPredMode[ xP][ yP ], rsMvLX[ xP][ yP ], rsRefIdxLX[ xP][ yP ], and rsPredFlagLX[ xP][ yP ], with X being equal to 0 and 1, PicHeightInSamplesCurrYare derived by applying the following ordered steps:

  1. The center location ( xPCtr, yPCtr ) of the luma prediction block is derived as follows:

xPCtr = xP + 8 (H-65)
yPCtr = yP + 8 (H-66)

Attachments (1)

R1008_fix.docx (14.0 KB) - added by cgisquet 10 years ago.
Fixed text with changes tracked

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change history (3)

comment:1 Changed 10 years ago by DefaultCC Plugin

  • Cc jlchen yanye jillboyce jct-vc@… added

Changed 10 years ago by cgisquet

Fixed text with changes tracked

comment:2 Changed 10 years ago by jlchen

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

The issue has been fixed as suggested in the published version 2 of HEVC speficification.

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  • Christophe Gisquet(Reporter)
  • Gerhard Tech(Always)
  • jct-vc@…(Subscriber)
  • Jianle Chen(Owner, Subscriber, Participant)
  • Jill Boyce(Subscriber)
  • Karsten Suehring(Always)
  • patrice.onno@…(Subscriber)
  • yanye(Subscriber)