Opened 9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago

#94 closed defect (fixed)

decoder crashed on reference bitstreams

Reported by: kolya Owned by: Vadim
Priority: minor Milestone: SHM-12.0
Component: SHM software Version: SHM-11.0
Keywords: reference streams Cc: Vadim, jct-vc@…


(on behalf of Pavel Kryuchkov pavel.kryuchkov@…)


Assertion failed: m_fifo_idx + num_bytes_to_load < m_fifo.size(), file c:\users\
pkryuchk\nganalyzerqt-shm_code_cov\source\lib\tlibcommon\tcombitstream.cpp, line



*ERROR* A decoding mismatch occured: signalled md5sum does not match


Assertion failed: uiCode == 1, file c:\users\pkryuchk\nganalyzerqt-shm_code_cov\
source\lib\tlibdecoder\tdeccavlc.cpp, line 2232


Assertion failed: std::find(passedCheck.begin(), passedCheck.end(), numIncludedL
ayers) != passedCheck.end(), file c:\users\pkryuchk\nganalyzerqt-shm_code_cov\so
urce\lib\tlibdecoder\tdeccavlc.cpp, line 3052


Has stopped working, no logs


Assertion failed: 0, file c:\users\pkryuchk\nganalyzerqt-shm_code_cov\source\lib
\tlibdecoder\tdectop.cpp, line 464

Change history (9)

comment:1 follow-up: Changed 9 years ago by barrouxg


I have not checked all the problems enumerated but for what I have checked:

  • For SREXT_C_FUJITSU_1.bit: I think you likely forgot to set "RExtHIGH_BIT_DEPTH_SUPPORT" to 1. After doing so, your error should not occur again.
  • For REFLAYER_D_VIDYO_2.bit: I did not encouter any problem with the SHM11 software. I decoded all layers without any issue and with my logs well printed out.
  • For INBLD_A_NOKIA_1.bit: I did not check in depth but confirmed there was a crash. I tried disabling "SCALABLE_REXT" because it does mess up a little with profiles but this did not make the error disapear.

comment:2 in reply to: ↑ 1 ; follow-up: Changed 9 years ago by kolya

I have the following log from Release build in Cygwin for REFLAYER_D_VIDYO_2.bit:
Cygwin Debug and VS2013 Release give "segmentation fault", me didn't verify other cases

$ ./TAppDecoderStatic.exe -b REFLAYER_D_VIDYO_2.bit

SHM software: Decoder Version [11.0 (HM-16.7)][Cygwin][GCC 4.9.3][64 bit]
Warning: specified target layerId 62 is greater than max layerId 2. Target layerId is set equal to max layerId 2.
POC 0 LId: 0 TId: 0 ( I-SLICE IDR_W_RADL, QP 28 ) [DT 0.047] [L0 ] [L1 ] [MD5:b5bbd8e6af5e29a477b84464dab48057,3482f21a160530e9d67f3886ead9ebbd,06f959dae0ce116bf358fae00567b7d4,(OK)]
POC 0 LId: 1 TId: 0 ( B-SLICE IDR_W_RADL, QP 26 ) [DT 0.047] [L0 0(0, {1.33, 1.33}x) ] [L1 0(0, {1.33, 1.33}x) ] [MD5:a5e42427f6c4e332cb82307e07c319d7,7d5549dfccd63779af43f8ebfa4879e5,d6e9e3215bc7ff9b5a12d59f42a62f63,(OK)]
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Replying to barrouxg:


I have not checked all the problems enumerated but for what I have checked:

  • For SREXT_C_FUJITSU_1.bit: I think you likely forgot to set "RExtHIGH_BIT_DEPTH_SUPPORT" to 1. After doing so, your error should not occur again.
  • For REFLAYER_D_VIDYO_2.bit: I did not encouter any problem with the SHM11 software. I decoded all layers without any issue and with my logs well printed out.
  • For INBLD_A_NOKIA_1.bit: I did not check in depth but confirmed there was a crash. I tried disabling "SCALABLE_REXT" because it does mess up a little with profiles but this did not make the error disapear.

comment:3 Changed 9 years ago by Vadim

Thanks for reporting, it is known problem and the following conformance bitstreams have issues:

ADAPTRES_A_ERICSSON_1.bit (was already updated)

Mainly it is due to the following aspects: all_layers_idr_aligned_flag (rev 1011), vps_num_video_signal_info_minus1 inference (rev 1439), profile signaling (profile index, PTL index and etc), syntax constraints with compatibility flag to SHVC

Bitstream providers are currently looking in to this problem.

comment:4 in reply to: ↑ 2 ; follow-up: Changed 9 years ago by Vadim

Replying to kolya:

Regarding REFLAYER_D_VIDYO_2.bit, I don't have any issues decoding it with SHM-11.0 using either Cygwin or Windows.

$ ./bin/TAppDecoderStaticd.exe -b REFLAYER_D_VIDYO_2.bit

SHM software: Decoder Version [11.0 (HM-16.7)][Cygwin][GCC 4.9.3][64 bit]
Warning: specified target layerId 62 is greater than max layerId 2. Target layerId is set equal to max layerId 2.
POC 0 LId: 0 TId: 0 ( I-SLICE IDR_W_RADL, QP 28 ) [DT 0.280] [L0 ] [L1 ] [MD5:b5bbd8e6af5e29a477b84464dab48057,3482f21a160530e9d67f3886ead9ebbd,06f959dae0ce116bf358fae00567b7d4,(OK)]
POC 0 LId: 1 TId: 0 ( B-SLICE IDR_W_RADL, QP 26 ) [DT 0.281] [L0 0(0, {1.33, 1.33}x) ] [L1 0(0, {1.33, 1.33}x) ] [MD5:a5e42427f6c4e332cb82307e07c319d7,7d5549dfccd63779af43f8ebfa4879e5,d6e9e3215bc7ff9b5a12d59f42a62f63,(OK)]
POC 0 LId: 2 TId: 0 ( B-SLICE IDR_W_RADL, QP 28 ) [DT 0.624] [L0 0(0, {2.00, 2.00}x) ] [L1 0(0, {2.00, 2.00}x) ] [MD5:a3afaa216bb094e7e881ea1c28941f84,1867ce5a6982b1d9a1158605611ff385,accf2e72c93b84dd4efe7a7fc8e50661,(OK)]
POC 8 LId: 0 TId: 0 ( B-SLICE TRAIL_R, QP 29 ) [DT 0.187] [L0 0 ] [L1 0c ] [MD5:70dddb91e7bb78601e2c82ff522c257f,67ea34dd2eceed6f14c1077aedc53450,4fa3daac615fe8440c658318b9342cf5,(OK)]
POC 8 LId: 1 TId: 0 ( B-SLICE STSA_R, QP 27 ) [DT 0.265] [L0 8(0, {1.33, 1.33}x) ] [L1 8(0, {1.33, 1.33}x)c ] [MD5:1fe44828dddbb7e63d728b8e4151c0c3,c9dffcee0f7e5d57a44d13cdf50721fb,5a82655da8a6f13ed0266b469dab5452,(OK)]
POC 8 LId: 2 TId: 0 ( B-SLICE STSA_R, QP 29 ) [DT 0.546] [L0 8(0, {2.00, 2.00}x) ] [L1 8(0, {2.00, 2.00}x)c ] [MD5:0fc65cb5ebc026de689577ef50198a54,ca905d7c74ce1fac4b017d99904fd890,436e0b095e2d3d37c4ebdddbcaa5daff,(OK)]
POC 4 LId: 0 TId: 1 ( B-SLICE TSA_N, QP 30 ) [DT 0.125] [L0 0 8 ] [L1 8c 0 ] [MD5:f4f0a80c635cc1ec3a62469c7cde7f18,341589c90a0ea6a83f5782bf06134140,32b347a69a576a7770db94c710050843,(OK)]
POC 4 LId: 1 TId: 1 ( B-SLICE TSA_N, QP 28 ) [DT 0.234] [L0 0 8 4(0, {1.33, 1.33}x) ] [L1 8 0 4(0, {1.33, 1.33}x)c ] [MD5:4e14f91c23d93c4ca77bbf08fa22a294,f083148370b1eb1d6c1f4078f2d1301f,46141a5a84016de657a9080b874b3ea0,(OK)]
POC 4 LId: 2 TId: 1 ( B-SLICE TSA_N, QP 30 ) [DT 0.422] [L0 0 8 4(1, {1.50, 1.50}x) ] [L1 8 0 4(1, {1.50, 1.50}x)c ] [MD5:016d0a5aa16290fdde9f5cc5c9b6aaf5,a7b5978e07db4671c261f60c448b529b,60d8494e5155d4c563cf6a6711737731,(OK)]
POC 2 LId: 0 TId: 2 ( B-SLICE TSA_R, QP 31 ) [DT 0.109] [L0 0 4 ] [L1 4c 8 ] [MD5:febd3c1dff1058f315d08e89c33289d4,9b0cd9fb2ea0236d97326bdcb661e713,8c1c1cc2c1c15e99b9d4db67f07f4d92,(OK)]
POC 2 LId: 1 TId: 2 ( B-SLICE TSA_R, QP 29 ) [DT 0.202] [L0 0 4 2(0, {1.33, 1.33}x) ] [L1 4 8 2(0, {1.33, 1.33}x)c ] [MD5:fbff89d199648724a349d129454e77e4,4b749d1e6146e32c5d61910623ca7bd2,9d66eac5ba4d302de4b93a353a1b1d1a,(OK)]
POC 2 LId: 2 TId: 2 ( B-SLICE TSA_R, QP 31 ) [DT 0.390] [L0 0 4 2(0, {2.00, 2.00}x) ] [L1 4 8 2(0, {2.00, 2.00}x)c ] [MD5:8f4d4296d2436bbe699f06e62b9e6c2b,8270c6f018b5b92ce6dca790eb1afbbe,e738ad3752f1918d701e4e2741f9810c,(OK)]
POC 1 LId: 0 TId: 3 ( B-SLICE TSA_N, QP 32 ) [DT 0.078] [L0 0 2 ] [L1 2c 4 ] [MD5:c1b21fd322047dfe6c7cc3a2152bf26d,78c11b65d0346590d5b42a851fddd83a,0417298b96c4d9552aa91acbee6f43e6,(OK)]
POC 1 LId: 1 TId: 3 ( B-SLICE TSA_N, QP 30 ) [DT 0.187] [L0 0 2 ] [L1 2c 4 ] [MD5:fb9f2499c63b5ec276386b6bd2d4a0a5,6866fc4d8f22e6d92e56e73e74b67a3f,b4ade6dcb1070bdd7df5289de4f68687,(OK)]
POC 1 LId: 2 TId: 3 ( B-SLICE TSA_N, QP 32 ) [DT 0.327] [L0 0 2 ] [L1 2c 4 ] [MD5:2eac089b7ac5634415e8927a807bfbd2,1ad05048e6a5bd710b821375001e5500,e9d1d7d7a71adb6bcd74fbf00af65102,(OK)]
POC 3 LId: 0 TId: 3 ( B-SLICE TSA_N, QP 32 ) [DT 0.078] [L0 2c 0 ] [L1 4 8 ] [MD5:8b7f1e3cd1ba3d1506d7e4fb80786f3e,6a5d02f77ffeed2f9d8c2d50d3c4da95,9d8b6dfc48a4ec15690f54d4574e6ba1,(OK)]
POC 3 LId: 1 TId: 3 ( B-SLICE TSA_N, QP 30 ) [DT 0.141] [L0 2c 0 ] [L1 4 8 ] [MD5:69241934168cca8d793d0c651c591d2f,be98c75caa2a52080551b84c750ea4d0,bac898030657b468168ba20930f25211,(OK)]
POC 3 LId: 2 TId: 3 ( B-SLICE TSA_N, QP 32 ) [DT 0.328] [L0 2c 0 ] [L1 4 8 ] [MD5:5397463e651353568ead7f22f12aeb52,ab063b02026cd5886926d4a1f612af67,3a91864d68c0edd0a9cfc5c8a4c825b1,(OK)]
POC 6 LId: 0 TId: 2 ( B-SLICE TRAIL_R, QP 31 ) [DT 0.094] [L0 4c 2 ] [L1 8 4 ] [MD5:1a902ec39441164265d0d164a6cba71c,a924d328faf06f5f23a900ff7af8cadd,b04f9b454923443afb4e979779289f50,(OK)]
POC 6 LId: 1 TId: 2 ( B-SLICE TRAIL_R, QP 29 ) [DT 0.156] [L0 4 2 6(0, {1.33, 1.33}x)c ] [L1 8 4 6(0, {1.33, 1.33}x) ] [MD5:7890eaf041a3d2596aca226281b2f7bd,41be9fbe0e0a70251c0cdabe09f1e13f,76d5a2b578d87d16df796553317773b5,(OK)]
POC 6 LId: 2 TId: 2 ( B-SLICE TRAIL_R, QP 31 ) [DT 0.359] [L0 4 2 6(1, {1.50, 1.50}x)c ] [L1 8 4 6(1, {1.50, 1.50}x) ] [MD5:db578ccea550adcb0031356f62cdbc6e,f492c026d171137cd9802073d9b9e514,94d3305e5bb0e1682a50db4e5c0059ae,(OK)]
POC 5 LId: 0 TId: 3 ( B-SLICE TSA_N, QP 32 ) [DT 0.078] [L0 4 0 ] [L1 6c 8 ] [MD5:c1b1e85a7271a0587cf1995ae7a2dfef,1c39807866595e3e7485e20d5fe58755,65eb75f643dccacc82aeff37971e1865,(OK)]
POC 5 LId: 1 TId: 3 ( B-SLICE TSA_N, QP 30 ) [DT 0.156] [L0 4 0 ] [L1 6c 8 ] [MD5:662c9817059ea482ab61abd26eaffac9,bdc9436ebee35595c0d90877413df3d9,439956a307b65f5e7edc32418c9f346a,(OK)]
POC 5 LId: 2 TId: 3 ( B-SLICE TSA_N, QP 32 ) [DT 0.312] [L0 4 0 ] [L1 6c 8 ] [MD5:70322aadad720329014c5e3afb92cd48,28401d00bdb95bc6b59f0b23ac0a406d,218d1ece1a77b5788802cb94a427c390,(OK)]
POC 7 LId: 0 TId: 3 ( B-SLICE TSA_N, QP 32 ) [DT 0.078] [L0 6c 4 ] [L1 8 6 ] [MD5:7b6c12450114a81670874953e9ae184f,05d6a34c02ef49aeb4203c3977862783,97e3964b967f132deae345da053a2f9c,(OK)]
POC 7 LId: 1 TId: 3 ( B-SLICE TSA_N, QP 30 ) [DT 0.156] [L0 6c 4 ] [L1 8 6 ] [MD5:1f10d6cf5efb3379c9b85f268315524d,ccd52e7818de946c5f67d54a55f4a4de,96f0b53c0f973b6416fdde5d2dc2669e,(OK)]
POC 7 LId: 2 TId: 3 ( B-SLICE TSA_N, QP 32 ) [DT 0.359] [L0 6c 4 ] [L1 8 6 ] [MD5:91b912afb70aa38ffdd5857328387464,a62c96661eee78972621e5d1d9dbbf4d,0a81ab21948fc3af62d4f4b74c17c4ea,(OK)]

Total Time: 10.748 sec.

BTW, you probably want to specify output layer set, otherwise, if not present, it is set to highest layer Id by default. Additional command is -olsidx N, where N is OLS index, in this particular example, it can be -olsidx 0, -olsidx 1, or -olsidx 2.

comment:5 in reply to: ↑ 4 ; follow-up: Changed 9 years ago by kolya

Yes, with -olsidx 0 and -olsidx 1 decoding is OK, but with -olsidx 2 it still gives the following:

$ ./TAppDecoderStatic.exe -b REFLAYER_D_VIDYO_2.bit -olsidx 2

SHM software: Decoder Version [11.0 (HM-16.7)][Cygwin][GCC 4.9.3][64 bit]
POC 0 LId: 0 TId: 0 ( I-SLICE IDR_W_RADL, QP 28 ) [DT 0.046] [L0 ] [L1 ] [MD5:b5bbd8e6af5e29a477b84464dab48057,3482f21a160530e9d67f3886ead9ebbd,06f959dae0ce116bf358fae00567b7d4,(OK)]
POC 0 LId: 1 TId: 0 ( B-SLICE IDR_W_RADL, QP 26 ) [DT 0.047] [L0 0(0, {1.33, 1.33}x) ] [L1 0(0, {1.33, 1.33}x) ] [MD5:a5e42427f6c4e332cb82307e07c319d7,7d5549dfccd63779af43f8ebfa4879e5,d6e9e3215bc7ff9b5a12d59f42a62f63,(OK)]
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Replying to Vadim:

Replying to kolya:

Regarding REFLAYER_D_VIDYO_2.bit, I don't have any issues decoding it with SHM-11.0 using either Cygwin or Windows.

$ ./bin/TAppDecoderStaticd.exe -b REFLAYER_D_VIDYO_2.bit

SHM software: Decoder Version [11.0 (HM-16.7)][Cygwin][GCC 4.9.3][64 bit]
Warning: specified target layerId 62 is greater than max layerId 2. Target layerId is set equal to max layerId 2.
POC 0 LId: 0 TId: 0 ( I-SLICE IDR_W_RADL, QP 28 ) [DT 0.280] [L0 ] [L1 ] [MD5:b5bbd8e6af5e29a477b84464dab48057,3482f21a160530e9d67f3886ead9ebbd,06f959dae0ce116bf358fae00567b7d4,(OK)]
POC 0 LId: 1 TId: 0 ( B-SLICE IDR_W_RADL, QP 26 ) [DT 0.281] [L0 0(0, {1.33, 1.33}x) ] [L1 0(0, {1.33, 1.33}x) ] [MD5:a5e42427f6c4e332cb82307e07c319d7,7d5549dfccd63779af43f8ebfa4879e5,d6e9e3215bc7ff9b5a12d59f42a62f63,(OK)]
POC 0 LId: 2 TId: 0 ( B-SLICE IDR_W_RADL, QP 28 ) [DT 0.624] [L0 0(0, {2.00, 2.00}x) ] [L1 0(0, {2.00, 2.00}x) ] [MD5:a3afaa216bb094e7e881ea1c28941f84,1867ce5a6982b1d9a1158605611ff385,accf2e72c93b84dd4efe7a7fc8e50661,(OK)]
POC 8 LId: 0 TId: 0 ( B-SLICE TRAIL_R, QP 29 ) [DT 0.187] [L0 0 ] [L1 0c ] [MD5:70dddb91e7bb78601e2c82ff522c257f,67ea34dd2eceed6f14c1077aedc53450,4fa3daac615fe8440c658318b9342cf5,(OK)]
POC 8 LId: 1 TId: 0 ( B-SLICE STSA_R, QP 27 ) [DT 0.265] [L0 8(0, {1.33, 1.33}x) ] [L1 8(0, {1.33, 1.33}x)c ] [MD5:1fe44828dddbb7e63d728b8e4151c0c3,c9dffcee0f7e5d57a44d13cdf50721fb,5a82655da8a6f13ed0266b469dab5452,(OK)]
POC 8 LId: 2 TId: 0 ( B-SLICE STSA_R, QP 29 ) [DT 0.546] [L0 8(0, {2.00, 2.00}x) ] [L1 8(0, {2.00, 2.00}x)c ] [MD5:0fc65cb5ebc026de689577ef50198a54,ca905d7c74ce1fac4b017d99904fd890,436e0b095e2d3d37c4ebdddbcaa5daff,(OK)]
POC 4 LId: 0 TId: 1 ( B-SLICE TSA_N, QP 30 ) [DT 0.125] [L0 0 8 ] [L1 8c 0 ] [MD5:f4f0a80c635cc1ec3a62469c7cde7f18,341589c90a0ea6a83f5782bf06134140,32b347a69a576a7770db94c710050843,(OK)]
POC 4 LId: 1 TId: 1 ( B-SLICE TSA_N, QP 28 ) [DT 0.234] [L0 0 8 4(0, {1.33, 1.33}x) ] [L1 8 0 4(0, {1.33, 1.33}x)c ] [MD5:4e14f91c23d93c4ca77bbf08fa22a294,f083148370b1eb1d6c1f4078f2d1301f,46141a5a84016de657a9080b874b3ea0,(OK)]
POC 4 LId: 2 TId: 1 ( B-SLICE TSA_N, QP 30 ) [DT 0.422] [L0 0 8 4(1, {1.50, 1.50}x) ] [L1 8 0 4(1, {1.50, 1.50}x)c ] [MD5:016d0a5aa16290fdde9f5cc5c9b6aaf5,a7b5978e07db4671c261f60c448b529b,60d8494e5155d4c563cf6a6711737731,(OK)]
POC 2 LId: 0 TId: 2 ( B-SLICE TSA_R, QP 31 ) [DT 0.109] [L0 0 4 ] [L1 4c 8 ] [MD5:febd3c1dff1058f315d08e89c33289d4,9b0cd9fb2ea0236d97326bdcb661e713,8c1c1cc2c1c15e99b9d4db67f07f4d92,(OK)]
POC 2 LId: 1 TId: 2 ( B-SLICE TSA_R, QP 29 ) [DT 0.202] [L0 0 4 2(0, {1.33, 1.33}x) ] [L1 4 8 2(0, {1.33, 1.33}x)c ] [MD5:fbff89d199648724a349d129454e77e4,4b749d1e6146e32c5d61910623ca7bd2,9d66eac5ba4d302de4b93a353a1b1d1a,(OK)]
POC 2 LId: 2 TId: 2 ( B-SLICE TSA_R, QP 31 ) [DT 0.390] [L0 0 4 2(0, {2.00, 2.00}x) ] [L1 4 8 2(0, {2.00, 2.00}x)c ] [MD5:8f4d4296d2436bbe699f06e62b9e6c2b,8270c6f018b5b92ce6dca790eb1afbbe,e738ad3752f1918d701e4e2741f9810c,(OK)]
POC 1 LId: 0 TId: 3 ( B-SLICE TSA_N, QP 32 ) [DT 0.078] [L0 0 2 ] [L1 2c 4 ] [MD5:c1b21fd322047dfe6c7cc3a2152bf26d,78c11b65d0346590d5b42a851fddd83a,0417298b96c4d9552aa91acbee6f43e6,(OK)]
POC 1 LId: 1 TId: 3 ( B-SLICE TSA_N, QP 30 ) [DT 0.187] [L0 0 2 ] [L1 2c 4 ] [MD5:fb9f2499c63b5ec276386b6bd2d4a0a5,6866fc4d8f22e6d92e56e73e74b67a3f,b4ade6dcb1070bdd7df5289de4f68687,(OK)]
POC 1 LId: 2 TId: 3 ( B-SLICE TSA_N, QP 32 ) [DT 0.327] [L0 0 2 ] [L1 2c 4 ] [MD5:2eac089b7ac5634415e8927a807bfbd2,1ad05048e6a5bd710b821375001e5500,e9d1d7d7a71adb6bcd74fbf00af65102,(OK)]
POC 3 LId: 0 TId: 3 ( B-SLICE TSA_N, QP 32 ) [DT 0.078] [L0 2c 0 ] [L1 4 8 ] [MD5:8b7f1e3cd1ba3d1506d7e4fb80786f3e,6a5d02f77ffeed2f9d8c2d50d3c4da95,9d8b6dfc48a4ec15690f54d4574e6ba1,(OK)]
POC 3 LId: 1 TId: 3 ( B-SLICE TSA_N, QP 30 ) [DT 0.141] [L0 2c 0 ] [L1 4 8 ] [MD5:69241934168cca8d793d0c651c591d2f,be98c75caa2a52080551b84c750ea4d0,bac898030657b468168ba20930f25211,(OK)]
POC 3 LId: 2 TId: 3 ( B-SLICE TSA_N, QP 32 ) [DT 0.328] [L0 2c 0 ] [L1 4 8 ] [MD5:5397463e651353568ead7f22f12aeb52,ab063b02026cd5886926d4a1f612af67,3a91864d68c0edd0a9cfc5c8a4c825b1,(OK)]
POC 6 LId: 0 TId: 2 ( B-SLICE TRAIL_R, QP 31 ) [DT 0.094] [L0 4c 2 ] [L1 8 4 ] [MD5:1a902ec39441164265d0d164a6cba71c,a924d328faf06f5f23a900ff7af8cadd,b04f9b454923443afb4e979779289f50,(OK)]
POC 6 LId: 1 TId: 2 ( B-SLICE TRAIL_R, QP 29 ) [DT 0.156] [L0 4 2 6(0, {1.33, 1.33}x)c ] [L1 8 4 6(0, {1.33, 1.33}x) ] [MD5:7890eaf041a3d2596aca226281b2f7bd,41be9fbe0e0a70251c0cdabe09f1e13f,76d5a2b578d87d16df796553317773b5,(OK)]
POC 6 LId: 2 TId: 2 ( B-SLICE TRAIL_R, QP 31 ) [DT 0.359] [L0 4 2 6(1, {1.50, 1.50}x)c ] [L1 8 4 6(1, {1.50, 1.50}x) ] [MD5:db578ccea550adcb0031356f62cdbc6e,f492c026d171137cd9802073d9b9e514,94d3305e5bb0e1682a50db4e5c0059ae,(OK)]
POC 5 LId: 0 TId: 3 ( B-SLICE TSA_N, QP 32 ) [DT 0.078] [L0 4 0 ] [L1 6c 8 ] [MD5:c1b1e85a7271a0587cf1995ae7a2dfef,1c39807866595e3e7485e20d5fe58755,65eb75f643dccacc82aeff37971e1865,(OK)]
POC 5 LId: 1 TId: 3 ( B-SLICE TSA_N, QP 30 ) [DT 0.156] [L0 4 0 ] [L1 6c 8 ] [MD5:662c9817059ea482ab61abd26eaffac9,bdc9436ebee35595c0d90877413df3d9,439956a307b65f5e7edc32418c9f346a,(OK)]
POC 5 LId: 2 TId: 3 ( B-SLICE TSA_N, QP 32 ) [DT 0.312] [L0 4 0 ] [L1 6c 8 ] [MD5:70322aadad720329014c5e3afb92cd48,28401d00bdb95bc6b59f0b23ac0a406d,218d1ece1a77b5788802cb94a427c390,(OK)]
POC 7 LId: 0 TId: 3 ( B-SLICE TSA_N, QP 32 ) [DT 0.078] [L0 6c 4 ] [L1 8 6 ] [MD5:7b6c12450114a81670874953e9ae184f,05d6a34c02ef49aeb4203c3977862783,97e3964b967f132deae345da053a2f9c,(OK)]
POC 7 LId: 1 TId: 3 ( B-SLICE TSA_N, QP 30 ) [DT 0.156] [L0 6c 4 ] [L1 8 6 ] [MD5:1f10d6cf5efb3379c9b85f268315524d,ccd52e7818de946c5f67d54a55f4a4de,96f0b53c0f973b6416fdde5d2dc2669e,(OK)]
POC 7 LId: 2 TId: 3 ( B-SLICE TSA_N, QP 32 ) [DT 0.359] [L0 6c 4 ] [L1 8 6 ] [MD5:91b912afb70aa38ffdd5857328387464,a62c96661eee78972621e5d1d9dbbf4d,0a81ab21948fc3af62d4f4b74c17c4ea,(OK)]

Total Time: 10.748 sec.

BTW, you probably want to specify output layer set, otherwise, if not present, it is set to highest layer Id by default. Additional command is -olsidx N, where N is OLS index, in this particular example, it can be -olsidx 0, -olsidx 1, or -olsidx 2.

comment:6 Changed 9 years ago by fhendry


For the hybrid bitstream (non-HEVC BL), we have to supply the path to the reconstructed BL when running the decoder.

For example, for HYBRID_A_QUALCOMM_1.bit, the command to run the decoder should as follow:
TAppDecoder.exe -b HYBRID_A_QUALCOMM_1.bin -olsidx 1 -ibl BaseLayerSequence.yuv

best regards,

comment:7 in reply to: ↑ 5 Changed 9 years ago by Vadim

Replying to kolya:

I tried to fix the segmentation fault problem with rev 1522. Could you please verify it? Thanks.

comment:8 Changed 9 years ago by kolya

Yes, now with SHM-dev it gives no crash on REFLAYER_D_VIDYO_2.bit.

comment:9 Changed 9 years ago by Vadim

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