Custom Query (33 matches)


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Status: closed (33 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#712 wrong initValue for split_transform_flag ctxIdx defect major HM HM-8.0
#738 HM8.0 encoder bug in checking the ranges of max TU depths defect minor HM HM-8.0
#827 mismatch between text and software for initialization value of sao_type_idx contexts defect major HM HM-8.1
#753 Low Delay flag isn't set for P slices defect minor HM HM-9.0
#845 [SAO] filterPicture(), entering SAOProcess() condition flaw defect minor HM HM-9.0
#861 LosslessCuEnabled flag in encoder config defect minor HM HM-9.0
#866 Order of operations in SEI writing enhancement minor HM HM-9.0
#870 Include assertion in TComOutputBitstream::write() enhancement minor HM HM-9.0
#874 Dependent slice neighborhood cleanup enhancement minor HM HM-9.0
#878 Mismatch between WD-9 session and HM-9.0.1 defect minor HM HM-9.0
#804 SEI payload type mismatch defect minor HM HM-9.1
#885 Video parameter set RBSP syntax issues defect trivial HM HM-9.1
#888 VUI pic_struct_present_flag is used without initialization. defect minor HM HM-9.1
#892 QP inheritance problem at bottom of non-CTU-multiple height images defect minor HM HM-9.1
#901 Don't change Lambda for I slices when HadamardME is disabled defect minor HM HM-9.1
#913 Wrong pointer to SPS defect minor HM HM-9.1
#919 Chroma QP offsets not use in forward quantization defect minor HM HM-9.1
#920 Missing pocCRA update causes decoder assertion failure defect minor HM HM-9.1
#922 RDOQ missing support for chroma QP offsets defect minor HM HM-9.1
#925 bug in derivation of temporal motion vectors for merge mode defect minor HM HM-9.1
#928 Wrong picture marking information usage in derivation of motion vector components defect minor HM HM-9.1
#931 incorrect parsing of lt_idx_sps if num_long_term_ref_pics_sps == 1 defect minor HM HM-9.1
#934 g_auiRasterToZscan Address Calculation out of range in TComPattern::initPattern defect minor HM HM-9.1
#940 When strong_intra_smoothing_enable_flag=1, wrong neighboring samples are used. defect major HM HM-9.1
#943 1-CTB wide picture, wavefront, and dependent slices defect minor HM HM-9.1
#945 unused xCheckBestMode function enhancement minor HM HM-9.1
#946 32-bit Dequantization Overflow when QP=47 defect minor HM HM-9.1
#947 Intializing DU removal time for picture timing SEI message defect minor HM HM-9.1
#949 Number of NAL units in picture timing SEI for first DU defect minor HM HM-9.1
#951 missing colon in case statement in SEIwrite.cpp defect minor HM HM-9.1
#954 VPS extension assert defect minor HM HM-9.1
#962 mistake in Width/Height weipu defect trivial HM HM-9.1
#963 Width/Height wrong weipu defect trivial HM HM-9.1
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