Custom Query (24 matches)


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Status: closed (24 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#1142 Inter RDPCM text description defect major RExt D4 (N1005) v3 fixed
#1175 Valid range for BvIntra defect major RExt D4 (N1005) v3 fixed
#1177 Incorrect equation when using transform_skip_rotation_enabled_flag defect major RExt D4 (N1005) v3 fixed
#1178 Use of cu_transquant_bypass_flag in controlling intra prediction defect major RExt D4 (N1005) v3 fixed
#1180 Incorrect ordering of initialisation values for sig_coeff_flag defect major RExt D4 (N1005) v3 fixed
#1185 On the description to support high-bit depth video defect major RExt D4 (N1005) v3 fixed
#1205 Question regarding undefined initialisation value for explicit_rdpcm in I slices defect major RExt D5 (O1005) v1 fixed
#1206 Mismatch with reference decoder when decoding cbf_luma when using intra block copying defect major RExt D5 (O1005) v1 fixed
#1133 Error in tsShift calculation with extended_precision_processing_flag defect minor RExt D4 (N1005) v3 fixed
#1134 Incorrect use of MinCr in RExt level definitions defect minor RExt D4 (N1005) v3 fixed
#1135 Inconsistent use of max transform skip size variable defect minor RExt D4 (N1005) v3 fixed
#1136 Motion constrained tile sets SEI message needs updating defect minor RExt D4 (N1005) v3 fixed
#1137 8.6.2 Normalisation of transform skip coefficients for blocksizes > 4x4 technical change minor RExt D4 (N1005) v3 fixed
#1176 Incorrect equation for xFracC and yFracC defect minor RExt D4 (N1005) v3 fixed
#1183 Error in specification of refMatrixId defect minor RExt D4 (N1005) v3 fixed
#1184 Errors in specification of inter_rdpcm_flag defect minor RExt D4 (N1005) v3 fixed
#1201 Minor corrections to Range Extensions defect minor RExt D5 (O1005) v1 fixed
#1202 Error in binarization process for coeff_abs_level_remaining with fast_rice_adaptation_enabled_flag=1 defect minor RExt D5 (O1005) v1 fixed
#1203 Binarisation for log2_res_scale_abs_plus1 and cu_chroma_qp_adjustment_idc defect minor RExt D5 (O1005) v1 fixed
#1204 Inconsistent coordinates for access of explicit_rdpcm_flag and transform_skip_flag defect minor RExt D5 (O1005) v1 duplicate
#1208 Uses incorrect coordinate system for various syntax elements defect minor RExt D5 (O1005) v1 fixed
#1213 §A.3.5, Main 4:2:2 10 profile constraint flag error defect minor RExt D4 (N1005) v3 fixed
#1214 §7.3.3, Missing array subscripts in sub layer constraint flag syntax davidf defect minor RExt D4 (N1005) v3 fixed
#1173 Minor corrections to range extensions text defect trivial RExt D4 (N1005) v3 fixed
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