Errors in specification of inter_rdpcm_flag
There seems to be some confusion with inter_rdpcm_flag and inter_rdpcm_dir_flag
- inter_rdpcm_flag is only read if transform_skip_flag==1, but uses it when calculating signHidden without checking transform_skip_flag
- inter_rdpcm_flag and inter_rdpcm_dir_flag are written as a 2d array, but used as a 3d array
- In, the subprocess 8.6.5 is called without checking inter_rdpcm_flag is 1
- In, the subprocess 8.6.5 is called without checking inter_rdpcm_flag is 1
I believe the following changes should be made:
- In
residual_dpcm_inter_enabled_flag && inter_rdpcm_flag[ x0 ][ y0 ][ cIdx ]
should change to
residual_dpcm_inter_enabled_flag && transform_skip_flag[ x0 ][ y0 ][ cIdx ] && inter_rdpcm_flag[ x0 ][ y0 ][ cIdx ]
- In
inter_rdpcm_flag[ x0 ][ y0 ]
if( inter_rdpcm_flag[ x0 ][ y0 ] )
inter_rpdcm_dir_flag[ x0 ][ y0 ]
should change to
inter_rdpcm_flag[ x0 ][ y0 ][ cIdx ]
if( inter_rdpcm_flag[ x0 ][ y0 ][ cIdx ] )
inter_rdpcm_dir_flag[ x0 ][ y0 ][ cIdx ]
- In
When residual_dpcm_inter_enabled_flag is equal to 1 and transform_skip_flag[ xCb + xB0 ][ yCb + yB0 ][ 0 ] is equal to 1
should change to
When residual_dpcm_inter_enabled_flag is equal to 1 and transform_skip_flag[ xCb + xB0 ][ yCb + yB0 ][ 0 ] and inter_rdpcm_flag is equal to 1
- In
When residual_dpcm_inter_enabled_flag is equal to 1 and transform_skip_flag[ xCb + xBN ][ yCb + yBN ][ cIdx ] is equal to 1
should change to
When residual_dpcm_inter_enabled_flag is equal to 1 and transform_skip_flag[ xCb + xB0 ][ yCb + yBN ][ cIdx ] is equal to 1 and inter_rdpcm_flag[ xCb + xB0 ][ yCb + yBN ][ cIdx ]
(Also note that in the last item, both mentions of xBN should change to xB0)
Change History (2)
Changed 11 years ago by DefaultCC Plugin
davidf joel teruhiko jct-vc@… added
set to RExt D5
set to fixed
changed from new to closed
Fixed in O1005v1: