Custom Query (15 matches)


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Status: closed (15 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#222 Non-working code of early skip decision defect minor HM-4.0 fixed
#992 MAX_CU_SIZE (update for HM9.2 of ticket 227) enhancement minor HM-9.2 fixed
#995 Removal of variable bPreviousPictureDecoded enhancement minor HM-9.2 fixed
#1088 Picture buffer not created when first slice segment in a picture is skipped defect major HM-10.0 fixed
#1106 Candidate for prevTid0Pic defect minor HM-10.1 fixed
#1113 Incorrect handling of mismatch between reference pictures and reference idcs defect minor HM-11.0 fixed
#1115 Debug display of unsigned elements defect trivial HM-11.0 fixed
#1119 Incorrect DeltaPocMsbCycleLt Calculation in HM-11.0 defect minor HM-11.0 fixed
#1123 Small memory leak in the decoder defect minor HM-11.0 fixed
#1124 Incorrect POC LSB Calculation defect minor HM-11.0 fixed
#1125 Incorrect POC in RASL pictures with dependent slice segments. defect minor HM-11.0 fixed
#1126 Conformance checks of leading pictures are missing defect minor HM-11.0 fixed
#1127 Default intra configuration generates non-conforming bitstreams defect major HM-11.0 fixed
#1128 checkLeadingPictureRestrictions fails defect major HM-11.0 fixed
#1129 assertion failure in TComSlice::checkLeadingPictureRestrictions defect major HM-11.0 fixed
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.