10 years |
seregin |
port the fix for ticket #50 (rev 986)
10 years |
seregin |
fix for the ticket #50, patch was provided by Hendry …
10 years |
seregin |
port a fix for Temporal ID for EOS nal unit in the encoder (rev 984)
10 years |
nokia |
Fix Temporal ID for EOS nal unit in the encoder
10 years |
seregin |
port fix for the ticket #48
10 years |
seregin |
fix for the ticket #48
10 years |
seregin |
port fix for the ticket #49 (rev 980)
10 years |
seregin |
fix for the ticket #49, patch was provided by Jay Padia <jpadia@…>
10 years |
seregin |
port implementation of JCTVC-R0071 - IRAP and EOS cross-layer impacts …
10 years |
nokia |
Implementation of JCTVC-R0071 - IRAP and EOS cross-layer impacts
10 years |
seregin |
ported the fix for the ticket #47
10 years |
qualcomm |
Fix for bug in populating PTL into VPS as described in ticket #47 …
10 years |
seregin |
update makefile
10 years |
seregin |
fix for the ticket #46
10 years |
seregin |
fix for the ticket #46
10 years |
seregin |
update PTL (rev 971)
10 years |
seregin |
fix for the ticket #45
10 years |
seregin |
update version number
10 years |
seregin |
update version number
10 years |
seregin |
cfg update
10 years |
seregin |
port fix for the ticket #44 (rev 966)
10 years |
seregin |
fix for the ticket #44, patch was provided by Jay Padia <jpadia@…>
10 years |
seregin |
update for PTL, provided by Hendry <fhendry@…>
10 years |
qualcomm |
Fixing implementation of signalling Scalable main and scalable main 10 …
10 years |
seregin |
port R0124 (rev 954)
10 years |
seregin |
port fixes for conformance testing and non-output layers (rev 953)
10 years |
seregin |
port the fix for ticket #38
10 years |
seregin |
update level info
10 years |
seregin |
update on PTL
10 years |
qualcomm |
Fix the bug in the assertion for PTL
10 years |
seregin |
Rename configuration file parameter related to output layers (rev 950)
10 years |
seregin |
Rename configuration file parameter related to output layers (rev 950)
10 years |
seregin |
Bug-fix for PTL configuration (rev 949)
10 years |
seregin |
R0124, conformance check for vps_max_layers_minus1, provided by …
10 years |
qualcomm |
Fixes for conformance testing and non-output layers.
- Value of …
10 years |
qualcomm |
Fix for aligned bumping, ticket #38.
Fix for the ticket number #38, …
10 years |
qualcomm |
Some fixes for implementation of support for profile tier and level …
10 years |
qualcomm |
Rename configuration file parameter related to output layers.
Rename …
10 years |
qualcomm |
Bug-fix for PTL configuration.
From: Adarsh K. Ramasubramonian …
10 years |
seregin |
remove unused variable
10 years |
seregin |
fix variable name
10 years |
seregin |
fix to the ticket #40
10 years |
seregin |
temporal improvement for profile/level signalling
10 years |
seregin |
remove phase alignment, ticket #40, patch was provided by Elena …
10 years |
seregin |
remove profilePresentFlag condition, patch was provided by Hendry …
10 years |
seregin |
code clean up
10 years |
seregin |
support profile, tier and level for each layer, patch was provided by …
10 years |
seregin |
fix lambda refinement setting
10 years |
seregin |
10 years |
seregin |
fix for the ticket #42
10 years |
seregin |
fix for the ticket #42
10 years |
seregin |
fix for the ticket #43
10 years |
seregin |
fix for the ticket #41
10 years |
seregin |
fix for the ticket #41
10 years |
seregin |
fix compiler warning and index bound
10 years |
seregin |
fix compiler warning and index bound
10 years |
seregin |
fix compiler warnings
10 years |
seregin |
fix compiler warnings
10 years |
seregin |
Port rev 925: layer specific conformance window setting, patch was …
10 years |
seregin |
Port rev 924: in order to generate the metadata related to conformance …
10 years |
seregin |
fix max tId plus one setting
10 years |
seregin |
fix compiler warnings, rep format
10 years |
seregin |
layer specific conformance window setting, patch was provided by Jay …
10 years |
seregin |
in order to generate the metadata related to conformance bitstreams, …
10 years |
nokia |
Port the STSA bug fix in HM to SHM.
10 years |
seregin |
update config files
10 years |
seregin |
fix printing summary
10 years |
seregin |
add RExt files
10 years |
seregin |
add RExt files
10 years |
seregin |
update make file, add TAppDecoderAnalyser and TLibDecoderAnalyser
10 years |
seregin |
fix printing summary and remove REP_FORMAT_FIX, WPP_FIX, and …
10 years |
seregin |
initial porting
10 years |
seregin |
temporal branch for SHM upgrade
10 years |
seregin |
JCTVC-R0157: when pps_pic_parameter_set_id greater than or equal to 8, …
10 years |
seregin |
add getNonHEVCBaseLayerFlag check for getBitDepthY and getBitDepthC
10 years |
seregin |
Overlay SEI with macro Q0096_OVERLAY_SEI, patch was provided by …
10 years |
seregin |
update file names
10 years |
nokia |
JCTVC-R0062 pseudo-monochrome for auxiliary pictures.
10 years |
nokia |
Update BLRewrite tool (JCTVC-R0042).
10 years |
nokia |
Fix layer sets layer id list initialization.
10 years |
seregin |
version update
10 years |
seregin |
fix compile warning
10 years |
nokia |
Integration of JCTVC-P0297 (poc_lsb_aligned_flag)
10 years |
seregin |
add initialization for the variable
10 years |
seregin |
implementation for equalPictureSizeAndOffsetFlag
10 years |
sharp |
S. Deshpande (Sharp) <sdeshpande@…>
JCTVC-R0155 proposal2 …
10 years |
sharp |
S. Deshpande (Sharp) <sdeshpande@…>
JCTVC-R0155 proposal1 …
10 years |
nokia |
implementation for proposal JCTVC-R0042
10 years |
seregin |
fix compiler warning
10 years |
seregin |
fix compiler warning
10 years |
seregin |
fix compiler warning
10 years |
qualcomm |
JCTVC-R0231: Signalling of VPS VUI BSP HRD parameters and other …
10 years |
sharp |
S. Deshpande (Sharp) <sdeshpande@…>
JCTVC-R0154 proposal2 …
10 years |
sharp |
S. Deshpande (Sharp) <sdeshpande@…>
JCTVC-R0154 proposal1 …
10 years |
sharp |
S. Deshpande (Sharp) <sdeshpande@…>
JCTVC-R0153 external …
10 years |
seregin |
fix scaling ratio output
10 years |
qualcomm |
Fix for signalling of bitrate and picture rate info in VPS VUI to be …
10 years |
qualcomm |
Correcting implementation related to the following adoption: …
10 years |
qualcomm |
Fix for earlier implementation mistake that omit the signalling of …
10 years |
qualcomm |
JCTVC-P0041 -- It was remarked that we should require each non-IRAP …