Custom Query (14 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#80 Decoder crash when using (modified) encoder_lowdelay.cfg defect critical HM
#58 Encoder crash for TE-9 S0-8 defect major HM
#1359 Pic Timing: cpb removal delay calculation causes conformance failures defect major Text
#1462 Cygwin Install defect major HM
#2 The software fails when encoding davidf defect minor HM
#25 broken Eclipse project ksuehring defect minor HM
#559 log2_min_coding_block_size_minus3 and log2_diff_max_min_coding_block_size range and semantic bbross defect minor Text
#1139 Interaction of decoded picture hash SEI message and separate colour planes defect minor RExt D7 RExt text
#1160 Seg Fault with RExt-4.0 (same issue was with rc1/rc2 but did not get chance to submit) defect minor HM+RExt-4.1 HM RExt
#1273 Incorrect section reference defect minor RExt D7 RExt text
#1389 possible memory issue defect minor HM-16.6 HM
#1438 HM-16.7 compression issue defect minor HM-16.7 HM
#1456 Clarification on note related to repetition of SPS defect minor SCC text
#1385 The symbol is not defined defect trivial HM
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