Custom Query (12 matches)


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Status: closed (12 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#831 spatial MVP scaling for mvLXA in AMVP list derivation does not match HM software bbross defect minor D9 (K1003) v11 duplicate
#952 syntax function mvd_coding arguments are not used bbross defect minor D9 (K1003) v13 wontfix
#911 AMVP process might overwrite candidate A bbross defect minor D9 (K1003) v11 invalid
#686 Difference between uiQtRootCbf and no_residual_syntax_flag bbross defect minor D9 (K1003) v11 fixed
#757 unvalued refIdxCol and listCol used bbross defect minor D9 (K1003) v10 fixed
#771 Clarify about formula of RefPicOrderCnt and LongTermRefPic bbross defect minor D9 (K1003) v10 fixed
#805 Unused refIdxA in spatial motion vector predictor candidates module bbross defect minor D9 (K1003) v11 fixed
#882 deblocking of 4x4 chroma CBs speficied incorrectly bbross defect minor D9 (K1003) v11 fixed
#890 wrong value of log2TrafoSize in transform unit syntax bbross defect major D9 (K1003) v4 fixed
#905 Confusion in scan order specification based on IntraPredMode bbross enhancement trivial D9 (K1003) v11 fixed
#937 Filtering process of neighbouring samples, Equation 8-30 and 8-32, operation precedence issue bbross defect minor D9 (K1003) v13 fixed
#938 : Wrong value set for chroma sample substitution when all p[] pixels are marked as not available bbross defect minor D9 (K1003) v13 fixed
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.