Opened 12 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#830 closed defect (fixed)

mismatch between WD and HM for inferring significant_coeff_flag at last position in TU

Reported by: vsze Owned by: bbross
Priority: minor Milestone: HM-9.1
Component: Text Version: D9 (K1003) v4
Keywords: Cc: bbross, wjhan, jct-vc@…


There seems to be a mis-match between semantics, syntax table and HM regarding whether significant_coeff_flag should be inferred for the last position in the TU.

In the WD semantics it says that significant_coeff_flag is inferred for the last position; however, this is not the case in HM-9.0.

Note that this also means the ctxIdxMap must be defined for i=15 (ctxIdxMap[15]=8), since there can be a possible to signal significant_coeff_flag at (3,3) position of 4x4 TU.

In WD9 ( Residual coding semantics):
When significant_coeff_flag[ xC ][ yC ] is not present, it is inferred as follows.
If ( xC, yC ) is the last significant location ( LastSignificantCoeffX, LastSignificantCoeffY ) in scan order or both of the following conditions are true, significant_coeff_flag[ xC ][ yC ] is inferred to be equal to 1.

In HM-9.0, significant_coeff_flag is only inferred when numNonzero=0; however, for last position numNonZero is set to 1.

if( iScanPosSig == (Int) uiScanPosLast )

lastNZPosInCG = iScanPosSig;
firstNZPosInCG = iScanPosSig;
pos[ numNonZero ] = uiBlkPosLast;
numNonZero = 1;



if( uiSigCoeffGroupFlag[ iCGBlkPos ] )


if( iScanPosSig > iSubPos | | iSubSet == 0 | | numNonZero )

uiCtxSig = TComTrQuant::getSigCtxInc( patternSigCtx, uiScanIdx, uiPosX, uiPosY, blockType, uiWidth, uiHeight, eTType );
m_pcTDecBinIf->decodeBin( uiSig, baseCtx[ uiCtxSig ] );


uiSig = 1;



Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed 12 years ago by DefaultCC Plugin

  • Cc bbross wjhan jct-vc@… added

comment:2 Changed 12 years ago by tung.nguyen

I think the implementation in HM9 match the WD text.

For the last significant scan position in processing order, i.e., in reverse scan order, the processing of significant_coeff_flag is out of the loop. This behaviour is obtained through

if( iScanPosSig == (Int) uiScanPosLast )

lastNZPosInCG = iScanPosSig;
firstNZPosInCG = iScanPosSig;
pos[ numNonZero ] = uiBlkPosLast;
numNonZero = 1;


Hence, the case (3,3), which is equal to a scan position value of 15, never occurs for 4 by 4 transform block.

comment:3 Changed 12 years ago by bbross

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed
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  • Tung Nguyen(Participant)
  • Woo-Jin Han(Subscriber)