Opened 13 years ago Closed 13 years ago #329 closed defect (fixed)(Actual Version: H1003_dK): Typos and wrong constraint in max_cu_qp_delta_depth
Page 66: max_cu_qp_delta_depth.
First sentence: should be coding units, not coding unit.
Second sentence: Its should be It's (picky)
I believe the last sentence should be removed, as it restates the requirement in the second sentence, but it does so much less precisely (uses should rather than shall, and doesn't give an exact definition). Change History (4)comment:1 Changed 13 years ago by DefaultCC Plugin
comment:2 Changed 13 years ago by ksuehring
comment:3 Changed 13 years ago by bbross
In d7 HLS text it is now called diff_cu_qp_delta_depth and the constraint is as follows:
The value of diff_cu_qp_delta_depth shall be in the range of 0 to log2_diff_max_min_coding_block_size − slice_granularity + 1, inclusive.
Thus, this issue should be fixed in d7 HLS text. comment:4 Changed 13 years ago by bbross
Fixed in JCTVC-I1003 d4. Note: See
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I guess (being more picky), it should be "It is" instead of "It's"
As reported by Peter Chuang on the email list, the constraint is wrong. The first two sentences should be:
max_cu_qp_delta_depth indicates the control granularity for QPY values for coding units within a picture.
ItsIt is a requirement of bitstream conformance that the value of max_cu_qp_delta_depth shallnotbe equal to or greater than slice_granularity + 1.(bold italic for additions)
The last sentence can then be removed.