Opened 14 years ago Closed 12 years ago #202 closed defect (fixed)If GOP size and intra period are same, decoder has mismatch
When I tested HM4.0rc1 using following
TAppEncoder.exe -c encoder_randomaccess.cfg -c per-sequence/BQSquare.cfg -q 37 -g 16 -f 17 -ip 16
I got mismatch for decoder. (log is attatched)
Based on the simple analysis, it seems that gop size estimation at decoder is a source of mismatch. In xGetNewPicBuffer(), gop size is estimated by assuming gop size is POC gap between first and second picture (P or B). However, when gop size and intra period are same, gop size is wrongly estimated as 0.
One simple solution is to fix the value of variable m_iMaxRefPicNum such as 16. This is similar approach to H.264/AVC, but cost huge memory allocation in decoder.
Need to find better solution for this. Attachments (1)Change History (5)Changed 14 years ago by secret9thcomment:1 Changed 13 years ago by davidf
Updating component after adding WD (Text) tickets comment:2 Changed 13 years ago by davidf
comment:3 Changed 13 years ago by davidf
comment:4 Changed 12 years ago by ksuehring
setting the GOP size no longer works without specifying RPS settings. I tested with GOP size of 8 and that seems to work. maybe it was related to #791 Note: See
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