Opened 14 years ago Closed 14 years ago #161 closed defect (fixed)source/Lib/TLibCommon/TComBitStream.cpp:203: Void TComInputBitstream::read(UInt, UInt&): Assertion `m_fifo_idx + num_bytes_to_load < m_fifo->size()' failed
From the current HM-3.0-dev r909: $ ./jctvc-tmuc-enc \ -c ~/rd/project/jctvc-tmuc//cfg//encoder_lowdelay_loco.cfg \ -c ~/rd/project/jctvc-tmuc//cfg//per-sequence/RaceHorses.cfg \ --InputFile=RaceHorses_416x240_30.yuv \ --FramesToBeEncoded=24 \ --BitstreamFile=out.bit \ --ReconFile=out.bit.yuv ... POC 0 TId: 0 ( I-SLICE, QP 32 ) 69648 bits [Y 34.1502 dB U 37.2259 dB V 37.6995 dB] [ET 3 ] [L0 ] [L1 ] [MD5:d45676bcc1e6cd96ef82d840f511065d] POC 1 TId: 0 ( B-SLICE, QP 35 ) 6920 bits [Y 31.4898 dB U 36.3927 dB V 36.6373 dB] [ET 6 ] [L0 0 ] [L1 0 ] [LC 0 ] [MD5:7472c8042035b256e640dd7dc7038fb1] POC 2 TId: 0 ( B-SLICE, QP 34 ) 9424 bits [Y 31.3365 dB U 36.2060 dB V 36.4521 dB] [ET 10 ] [L0 1 0 ] [L1 1 0 ] [LC 1 0 ] [MD5:37d03ef12291c492d9242e93d915f34a] POC 3 TId: 0 ( B-SLICE, QP 35 ) 6920 bits [Y 30.5560 dB U 35.7810 dB V 35.7427 dB] [ET 13 ] [L0 2 1 0 ] [L1 2 1 0 ] [LC 2 1 0 ] [MD5:7e0e83766c20ed94579aa51e5de26cb5] POC 4 TId: 0 ( B-SLICE, QP 33 ) 28032 bits [Y 33.3721 dB U 36.8717 dB V 37.2671 dB] [ET 18 ] [L0 3 2 1 0 ] [L1 3 2 1 0 ] [LC 3 2 1 0 ] [MD5:c5f5b511f6afb74868ef7491cbfc8c4f] POC 5 TId: 0 ( B-SLICE, QP 35 ) 6056 bits [Y 31.4562 dB U 36.1094 dB V 36.4754 dB] [ET 15 ] [L0 4 3 2 1 ] [L1 4 3 2 1 ] [LC 4 3 2 1 ] [MD5:ac1521d95a02577d5146836b19dc503e] POC 6 TId: 0 ( B-SLICE, QP 34 ) 9032 bits [Y 31.1916 dB U 35.7949 dB V 36.1372 dB] [ET 16 ] [L0 5 4 3 2 ] [L1 5 4 3 2 ] [LC 5 4 3 2 ] [MD5:05f9be53552121d68717b0ba5a7ae5c9] POC 7 TId: 0 ( B-SLICE, QP 35 ) 7112 bits [Y 30.5432 dB U 35.2687 dB V 35.4717 dB] [ET 15 ] [L0 6 5 4 3 ] [L1 6 5 4 3 ] [LC 6 5 4 3 ] [MD5:4a4a735697d182d055b9cd1eef12b1ed] POC 8 TId: 0 ( B-SLICE, QP 33 ) 31400 bits [Y 33.2649 dB U 36.7103 dB V 37.0140 dB] [ET 18 ] [L0 7 6 5 4 ] [L1 7 6 5 4 ] [LC 7 6 5 4 ] [MD5:23d6785913d24eefd113f04cec0693ec] $ ./jctvc-tmuc-dec --BitstreamFile=out.bit ... POC 0 TId: 0 ( I-SLICE, QP 32 ) [DT 0.050] [L0 ] [L1 ] [MD5:d45676bcc1e6cd96ef82d840f511065d,(OK)] POC 1 TId: 0 ( B-SLICE, QP 35 ) [DT 0.010] [L0 0 ] [L1 0 ] [LC 0 ] [MD5:7472c8042035b256e640dd7dc7038fb1,(OK)] POC 2 TId: 0 ( B-SLICE, QP 34 ) [DT 0.010] [L0 1 0 ] [L1 1 0 ] [LC 1 0 ] [MD5:37d03ef12291c492d9242e93d915f34a,(OK)] POC 3 TId: 0 ( B-SLICE, QP 35 ) [DT 0.020] [L0 2 1 0 ] [L1 2 1 0 ] [LC 2 1 0 ] [MD5:7e0e83766c20ed94579aa51e5de26cb5,(OK)] POC 4 TId: 0 ( B-SLICE, QP 33 ) [DT 0.030] [L0 3 2 1 0 ] [L1 3 2 1 0 ] [LC 3 2 1 0 ] [MD5:c5f5b511f6afb74868ef7491cbfc8c4f,(OK)] POC 5 TId: 0 ( B-SLICE, QP 35 ) [DT 0.020] [L0 4 3 2 1 ] [L1 4 3 2 1 ] [LC 4 3 2 1 ] [MD5:ac1521d95a02577d5146836b19dc503e,(OK)] POC 6 TId: 0 ( B-SLICE, QP 34 ) [DT 0.020] [L0 5 4 3 2 ] [L1 5 4 3 2 ] [LC 5 4 3 2 ] [MD5:05f9be53552121d68717b0ba5a7ae5c9,(OK)] jctvc-tmuc-dec: /users/davidf/rd/project/jctvc-tmuc/source/Lib/TLibCommon/TComBitStream.cpp:203: Void TComInputBitstream::read(UInt, UInt&): Assertion `m_fifo_idx + num_bytes_to_load < m_fifo->size()' failed.
Examining the stack trace: #2 0x00007ffff72d37c5 in __assert_fail (assertion=0x46bcd8 "m_fifo_idx + num_bytes_to_load < m_fifo->size()", file=<value optimised out>, line=203, function=<value optimised out>) at assert.c:81 #3 0x0000000000413cd2 in TComInputBitstream::read (this=0x8de8c0, uiNumberOfBits=1, ruiBits=@0x7fffffff2730) at /users/davidf/rd/project/jctvc-tmuc/source/Lib/TLibCommon/TComBitStream.cpp:203 #4 0x0000000000413b91 in TComInputBitstream::pseudoRead (this=0x8de8c0, uiNumberOfBits=6, ruiBits=@0x7fffffff2730) at /users/davidf/rd/project/jctvc-tmuc/source/Lib/TLibCommon/TComBitStream.cpp:157 #5 0x0000000000453299 in TDecCavlc::parseCbfTrdiv (this=0x7fffffff44a8, pcCU=0xc7ea10, uiAbsPartIdx=128, uiTrDepth=0, uiDepth=2, uiSubdiv=@0x7fffffff27dc) at /users/davidf/rd/project/jctvc-tmuc/source/Lib/TLibDecoder/TDecCAVLC.cpp:1922 #6 0x000000000045c4f4 in TDecEntropy::xDecodeTransformSubdiv (this=0x7fffffff4498, pcCU=0xc7ea10, uiAbsPartIdx=128, uiDepth=2, uiInnerQuadIdx=0, uiYCbfFront3=@0x7fffffff2884, uiUCbfFront3=@0x7fffffff2888, uiVCbfFront3=@0x7fffffff288c) at /users/davidf/rd/project/jctvc-tmuc/source/Lib/TLibDecoder/TDecEntropy.cpp:751 #7 0x000000000045d32d in TDecEntropy::decodeTransformIdx (this=0x7fffffff4498, pcCU=0xc7ea10, uiAbsPartIdx=128, uiDepth=2) at /users/davidf/rd/project/jctvc-tmuc/source/Lib/TLibDecoder/TDecEntropy.cpp:988 #8 0x000000000045da12 in TDecEntropy::decodeCoeff (this=0x7fffffff4498, pcCU=0xc7ea10, uiAbsPartIdx=128, uiDepth=2, uiWidth=16, uiHeight=16) at /users/davidf/rd/project/jctvc-tmuc/source/Lib/TLibDecoder/TDecEntropy.cpp:1164 #9 0x0000000000457666 in TDecCu::xDecodeCU (this=0x7fffffff4458, pcCU=0xc7ea10, uiAbsPartIdx=128, uiDepth=2) at /users/davidf/rd/project/jctvc-tmuc/source/Lib/TLibDecoder/TDecCu.cpp:325 #10 0x0000000000456eae in TDecCu::xDecodeCU (this=0x7fffffff4458, pcCU=0xc7ea10, uiAbsPartIdx=128, uiDepth=1) at /users/davidf/rd/project/jctvc-tmuc/source/Lib/TLibDecoder/TDecCu.cpp:216 #11 0x0000000000456eae in TDecCu::xDecodeCU (this=0x7fffffff4458, pcCU=0xc7ea10, uiAbsPartIdx=0, uiDepth=0) at /users/davidf/rd/project/jctvc-tmuc/source/Lib/TLibDecoder/TDecCu.cpp:216 #12 0x0000000000456af5 in TDecCu::decodeCU (this=0x7fffffff4458, pcCU=0xc7ea10, ruiIsLast=@0x7fffffff2d4c) at /users/davidf/rd/project/jctvc-tmuc/source/Lib/TLibDecoder/TDecCu.cpp:126 #13 0x0000000000464020 in TDecSlice::decompressSlice (this=0x7fffffff4438, pcBitstream=0x8de8c0, rpcPic=@0x7fffffffdeb0) at /users/davidf/rd/project/jctvc-tmuc/source/Lib/TLibDecoder/TDecSlice.cpp:105 #14 0x000000000045e3c2 in TDecGop::decompressGop (this=0x7fffffff41b0, bEos=false, pcBitstream=0x8de8c0, rpcPic=@0x7fffffffdeb0, bExecuteDeblockAndAlf=false) at /users/davidf/rd/project/jctvc-tmuc/source/Lib/TLibDecoder/TDecGop.cpp:176 (gdb) frame 5 #5 0x0000000000453299 in TDecCavlc::parseCbfTrdiv (this=0x7fffffff44a8, pcCU=0xc7ea10, uiAbsPartIdx=128, uiTrDepth=0, uiDepth=2,! uiSubdiv=@0x7fffffff27dc) at /users/davidf/rd/project/jctvc-tmuc/source/Lib/TLibDecoder/TDecCAVLC.cpp:1922 1922 m_pcBitstream->pseudoRead(6, uiSymbol); (gdb) print m_pcBitstream->getNumBitsLeft() $1 = 5 Change History (5)comment:1 Changed 14 years ago by davidf
comment:2 Changed 14 years ago by davidf
This has been resolved in r919.
An alternative solution would be to rewrite the users of pseudoRead to use read(), consuming only sufficient bits for each part of the vlc decoding. That said, this is somewhat mitigated by the explicit use of pseudoRead not changing the stream state at all -- any bits chosen must be later consumed by read(), so an overrun would still be detected. comment:3 Changed 13 years ago by davidf
Updating component after adding WD (Text) tickets comment:4 Changed 13 years ago by davidf
comment:5 Changed 13 years ago by davidf
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This issue exists before the bitstream rework too.
Checkout tags/HM-3.0:
revert r574: