Opened 12 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

#1146 closed defect (fixed)

Field-coding - randomaccess intra-period assertion

Reported by: karlsharman Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone: HM-13.0
Component: HM Version: HM-12.0
Keywords: Cc: fbossen, ksuehring, davidf, jct-vc@…


Asserts (using the randomaccess_field_coding.cfg) at the field with POC=intra-period, because there is a POC with number intra-period+1 in the buffers (the second of the pair).

Fails with assertion:

"TComSlice.cpp:879 Void TComSlice::checkLeadingPictureRestrictions(TComList<TComPic*>&): Assertion `rpcPic->getPOC() < this->getPOC()' failed."

eg the following 25 frame (50 field) simulation fails, but 24 frames is ok:

-c cfg/encoder_randomaccess_field_coding.cfg
-c cfg/per-sequence/BasketballPass.cfg
-o enc.yuv -ip 48 -q 32 -f 25 --SEIpictureDigest=1
-b bin.bin --RDOQ=0 --RDOQTS=0 --SAO=0

Bug detected during RExt development.

Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed 12 years ago by DefaultCC Plugin

  • Cc fbossen ksuehring davidf jct-vc@… added

comment:2 Changed 11 years ago by fbossen

Reproduced with r3781

POC    0 TId: 0 ( I-SLICE, nQP 32 QP 32 )     153240 bits [Y 34.7322 dB    U 36.8949 dB    V 38.2011 dB] [ET     1 ] [L0 ] [L1 ]
POC    1 TId: 0 ( I-SLICE, nQP 32 QP 32 )     104480 bits [Y 32.1932 dB    U 35.0662 dB    V 36.1538 dB] [ET     1 ] [L0 ] [L1 ]
                                      Interlaced frame 0: [Y 33.2797 dB    U 35.8850 dB    V 37.0579 dB]
POC   17 TId: 0 ( B-SLICE, nQP 33 QP 33 )      52168 bits [Y 30.4692 dB    U 34.4505 dB    V 35.2126 dB] [ET     5 ] [L0 1 ] [L1 1 ]
POC   16 TId: 0 ( B-SLICE, nQP 33 QP 33 )      85112 bits [Y 33.6457 dB    U 36.1145 dB    V 37.2128 dB] [ET     6 ] [L0 1 17 ] [L1 17 1 ]
                                      Interlaced frame 8: [Y 31.7733 dB    U 35.2033 dB    V 36.0985 dB]
POC    8 TId: 0 ( B-SLICE, nQP 34 QP 34 )      32152 bits [Y 31.0049 dB    U 35.0095 dB    V 35.7991 dB] [ET     6 ] [L0 1 16 ] [L1 16 17 ]
POC    9 TId: 0 ( B-SLICE, nQP 34 QP 34 )      14040 bits [Y 30.4999 dB    U 34.8929 dB    V 35.5654 dB] [ET     5 ] [L0 8 1 ] [L1 16 17 ]
                                      Interlaced frame 4: [Y 30.7451 dB    U 34.9508 dB    V 35.6807 dB]
POC    4 TId: 0 ( B-SLICE, nQP 35 QP 35 )      20264 bits [Y 30.4139 dB    U 34.9084 dB    V 35.8232 dB] [ET     5 ] [L0 1 8 ] [L1 8 9 ]
POC    5 TId: 0 ( B-SLICE, nQP 35 QP 35 )       7896 bits [Y 30.2498 dB    U 34.9098 dB    V 35.7347 dB] [ET     4 ] [L0 4 1 ] [L1 8 9 ]
                                      Interlaced frame 2: [Y 30.3311 dB    U 34.9091 dB    V 35.7787 dB]
POC    2 TId: 0 ( B-SLICE, nQP 35 QP 35 )      14616 bits [Y 30.2809 dB    U 34.8929 dB    V 35.8613 dB] [ET     4 ] [L0 1 4 ] [L1 4 5 ]
POC    3 TId: 0 ( B-SLICE, nQP 36 QP 36 )       2000 bits [Y 29.8176 dB    U 34.9048 dB    V 35.7276 dB] [ET     3 ] [L0 2 1 ] [L1 4 5 ]
                                      Interlaced frame 1: [Y 30.0431 dB    U 34.8988 dB    V 35.7939 dB]
POC    6 TId: 0 ( B-SLICE, nQP 35 QP 35 )      11888 bits [Y 30.6308 dB    U 35.0587 dB    V 36.0096 dB] [ET     4 ] [L0 5 4 ] [L1 8 9 ]
POC    7 TId: 0 ( B-SLICE, nQP 36 QP 36 )       2304 bits [Y 29.6913 dB    U 34.9342 dB    V 35.5651 dB] [ET     3 ] [L0 6 5 ] [L1 8 9 ]
                                      Interlaced frame 3: [Y 30.1357 dB    U 34.9960 dB    V 35.7817 dB]
POC   12 TId: 0 ( B-SLICE, nQP 35 QP 35 )      17432 bits [Y 30.9731 dB    U 35.2793 dB    V 36.1263 dB] [ET     5 ] [L0 9 8 ] [L1 16 17 ]
POC   13 TId: 0 ( B-SLICE, nQP 35 QP 35 )       7072 bits [Y 30.3387 dB    U 35.0894 dB    V 35.7793 dB] [ET     4 ] [L0 12 9 ] [L1 16 17 ]
                                      Interlaced frame 6: [Y 30.6443 dB    U 35.1833 dB    V 35.9493 dB]
POC   10 TId: 0 ( B-SLICE, nQP 35 QP 35 )      11192 bits [Y 30.9163 dB    U 35.2618 dB    V 36.1493 dB] [ET     4 ] [L0 9 8 ] [L1 12 13 ]
POC   11 TId: 0 ( B-SLICE, nQP 36 QP 36 )       1704 bits [Y 29.7811 dB    U 35.0680 dB    V 35.5624 dB] [ET     3 ] [L0 10 9 ] [L1 12 13 ]
                                      Interlaced frame 5: [Y 30.3117 dB    U 35.1638 dB    V 35.8459 dB]
POC   14 TId: 0 ( B-SLICE, nQP 35 QP 35 )      11136 bits [Y 31.2368 dB    U 35.4608 dB    V 36.5135 dB] [ET     4 ] [L0 13 12 ] [L1 16 17 ]
POC   15 TId: 0 ( B-SLICE, nQP 36 QP 36 )       1784 bits [Y 30.0628 dB    U 35.1603 dB    V 35.7616 dB] [ET     3 ] [L0 14 13 ] [L1 16 17 ]
                                      Interlaced frame 7: [Y 30.6103 dB    U 35.3079 dB    V 36.1213 dB]
POC   33 TId: 0 ( I-SLICE, nQP 32 QP 32 )      95440 bits [Y 32.4530 dB    U 35.2776 dB    V 36.0870 dB] [ET     1 ] [L0 ] [L1 ]
POC   32 TId: 0 ( B-SLICE, nQP 33 QP 33 )      68232 bits [Y 33.8252 dB    U 36.3159 dB    V 37.2278 dB] [ET     7 ] [L0 17 16 33 ] [L1 33 17 16 ]
                                      Interlaced frame 16: [Y 33.0851 dB    U 35.7658 dB    V 36.6201 dB]
Assertion failed: (this->getPOC() > rpcPic->getSlice(0)->getPOC()), function checkLeadingPictureRestrictions, file HM-12.1-dev/build/linux/lib/TLibCommon/../../../../source/Lib/TLibCommon/TComSlice.cpp, line 952.

Encoder parameters

-c cfg/misc/encoder_randomaccess_field_coding.cfg -c cfg/per-sequence/RaceHorsesC.cfg -b str.bin

comment:3 Changed 11 years ago by fbossen

  • Milestone changed from HM-12.1 to HM-13.0
  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

Appears to be fixed in r3790

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  • Frank Bossen(Subscriber, Participant)
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