Custom Query (1442 matches)


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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1369 fixed validity check for cb_qp_offset_list [ i ] and cr_qp_offset_list[ i ] kolya

assert should be added for check if values are inside the range, pls see the patch attached

#138 fixed valgrind failures in HM-2.1, HM-2.2 and HM-3.0-dev davidf thomasd

There are numerous valgrind errors when running these versions, based on values not being initialised, apparently in EncIntraHeader (TEncSearch.cpp).

HM-2.0 is free of such errors. HM-2.0-dev-mediatek seems to have introduced at least some of these errors.

#249 fixed valgrind error in ALF decoding: thomasd

Applies to version HM-5.0 and HM-5.0rc1.

When decoding a sequence with ALF, valgrind reports the use of uninitialised values in TComAdaptiveLoopFilter::calcVar, line 1378. No MD5 mismatches have been found yet. Encoder command line:

-c encoder_lowdelay.cfg -c RaceHorsesC.cfg -i RaceHorses_832x480_30.yuv -b ./test.bit -o ./test.yuv --FramesToBeEncoded=10 --ALF=1 --SAO=0

This is the new version of calcVar introduced as a result of G609. The issue goes away if macro G609_NEW_BA_SUB is set to 0. It's possibly due to the use of a local array with padding not properly initialised.

Setting the loop parameters to m_img_{height,width} - 3 instead of m_img_{height,width} + 3 removes the problem, but produces a different bit stream. It's unclear to me what the correct bounds should be.

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