111 UInt m_forceDecodeBitDepth;
148 Void setForceDecodeBitDepth(
UInt bitDepth) { m_forceDecodeBitDepth = bitDepth; }
174 #endif // __TDECTOP__
Void executeLoopFilters(Int &poc, TComList< TComPic * > *&rpcListPic)
Buffered up prefix SEI NAL Units.
Void setDecodedSEIMessageOutputStream(std::ostream *pOpStream)
SBAC decoder class (header)
TDecConformanceCheck m_conformanceCheck
Bool getFirstSliceInSequence()
Bool m_isNoOutputPriorPics
prediction class (header)
picture class (symbol + YUV buffers)
Defines version information, constants and small in-line functions.
Bool m_warningMessageSkipPicture
Void xUpdatePreviousTid0POC(TComSlice *pSlice)
TComSlice * m_apcSlicePilot
TComPrediction m_cPrediction
Void xActivateParameterSets()
Bool getNoOutputPriorPicsFlag()
Void setFirstSliceInSequence(bool val)
GOP decoder class (header)
Bool isSkipPictureForBLA(Int &iPOCLastDisplay)
UInt getNumberOfChecksumErrorsDetected() const
Void xAnalysePrefixSEImessages()
TDecCavlc m_cCavlcDecoder
Bool m_bFirstSliceInSequence
Int m_pocCRA
POC number of the latest CRA picture.
entropy decoder class (header)
Void xGetNewPicBuffer(const TComSPS &sps, const TComPPS &pps, TComPic *&rpcPic, const UInt temporalLayer)
CAVLC decoder class (header)
TComLoopFilter m_cLoopFilter
general list class (header)
Void setFirstSliceInPicture(bool val)
std::list< InputNALUnit * > m_prefixSEINALUs
Bool isRandomAccessSkipPicture(Int &iSkipFrame, Int &iPOCLastDisplay)
TComList< TComPic * > m_cListPic
Int m_pocRandomAccess
POC number of the random access point (the first IDR or CRA picture)
Void setDecodedPictureHashSEIEnabled(Int enabled)
Bool xDecodeSlice(InputNALUnit &nalu, Int &iSkipFrame, Int iPOCLastDisplay)
NalUnitType m_associatedIRAPType
NAL unit type of the associated IRAP picture.
Bool m_craNoRaslOutputFlag
Int m_lastPOCNoOutputPriorPics
Void xCreateLostPicture(Int iLostPOC)
TDecEntropy m_cEntropyDecoder
Void setNoOutputPriorPicsFlag(Bool val)
picture YUV buffer class (header)
Void setTMctsCheckEnabled(Bool enabled)
ParameterSetManager m_parameterSetManager
Bool m_bFirstSliceInPicture
Bool isReferenceNalu() const
TComSampleAdaptiveOffset m_cSAO
SEIMessages m_SEIs
List of SEI messages that have been received before the first slice and between slices, excluding prefix SEIs...
std::ostream * m_pDecodedSEIOutputStream
transform and quantization class
std::list< SEI * > SEIMessages
Void xDecodeSPS(const std::vector< UChar > &naluData)
TDecSlice m_cSliceDecoder
Bool m_bFirstSliceInBitstream
transform and quantization class (header)
Void xParsePrefixSEIsForUnknownVCLNal()
Void setDecodedPictureHashSEIEnabled(Int enabled)
Void xDecodeVPS(const std::vector< UChar > &naluData)
NalUnitType getNalUnitType() const
Bool decode(InputNALUnit &nalu, Int &iSkipFrame, Int &iPOCLastDisplay)
Void checkNoOutputPriorPics(TComList< TComPic * > *rpcListPic)
reading funtionality for SEI messages
Void xParsePrefixSEImessages()
Void xDecodePPS(const std::vector< UChar > &naluData)
UInt getNumberOfChecksumErrorsDetected() const