

May 19, 2015:

11:56 PM Ticket #1396 (palette_transpose_flag inference to 0 is missed) created by Vadim
palette_transpose_flag is not always signalled, it should be inferred …

May 16, 2015:

12:04 AM Ticket #1395 (collocated_ref_idx inference seems missing) created by Vadim
collocated_ref_idx is not signalled when number of reference pictures …

May 12, 2015:

8:39 AM Ticket #1311 (inconsistent cost calculation) closed by libin
fixed: Fixed in r4450.
8:16 AM Ticket #1311 (inconsistent cost calculation) reopened by libin
reopen the ticket as the problem still exists in SCM-4.0.

May 8, 2015:

3:15 PM Ticket #1394 (m_LocalRPS is not reset between CVSs, resulting in incorrect long term ...) closed by ksuehring
fixed: fixed in r4449

May 7, 2015:

2:45 PM Ticket #1394 (m_LocalRPS is not reset between CVSs, resulting in incorrect long term ...) created by jackh
In TDecCavlc::parseSliceHeader() (TDecCAVLC.cpp line 1070), the number …

Apr 28, 2015:

2:26 AM Ticket #1393 (Unnecessary condition checking when handling no output of prior picture) created by fhendry
There is the following checking within function checkNoOutputPriorPics …

Apr 23, 2015:

3:00 PM Ticket #1389 (possible memory issue) closed by karlsharman
worksforme: There does not appear to be a bug in this part of the code, except …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.