Opened 12 years ago Closed 12 years ago #849 closed defect (fixed)Entropy coding typos
Table 9-28 is not referred to anywhere.
Change History (6)comment:1 Changed 12 years ago by DefaultCC Plugin
comment:2 Changed 12 years ago by laurent.birtz@…comment:3 Changed 12 years ago by pieterkapsenberg
In your example 8x8 case, the array ctxIdxMap isn't used, that is only for 4x4 TUs. comment:4 Changed 12 years ago by laurent.birtz@…
Correct. Sorry about that. comment:5 Changed 12 years ago by bbross
Re: Table 9-28 is not referred to anywhere.
Re:(and typo Specifcation) comment:6 Changed 12 years ago by bbross
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As per Karsten suggestion, I'm copy-pasting a comment sent by email:
"I assume you mean table 9-39? Position 15 is not needed since xC and yC can only both be 3 when the last x/y position is 3,3, and in that case the significant_coeff_flag is inferred to be 1, not CABAC coded."
I am using OpenOffice. It's very possible that it is renumbering the
tables incorrectly. My apologies for the discrepancy.
The table "9-28" I am referring to is "Association of ctxIdx and syntax
elements for each initializationType in the initialization process".
The Table "9-63" I am referring to is "Specifcation of ctxIdxMap[ i ]".
Answering specifically to your comment. It's possible that I do not
understand the encoding correctly, my apologies if that's the case. My
understanding is as follow. Suppose there is a 8x8 TB. Then, there are
four 4x4 sub blocks, scanned in some order.
8x8 transform block
01 <= 4x4 sub block.
last_significant_coeff points somewhere in the TB. Suppose it's pointing
in sub block 3 in the example above. Now, sub block 0 may have 16
non-zero coefficients. Suppose all coefficients are non-zero.
Then, I don't see why a significant_coeff_flag value would be inferred.
As I understanding it, significant_coeff_flag can be inferred when
last_significant_coeff points at it or when coded_sub_block_flag is true
and all the other coefficients are zero.