Opened 13 years ago Closed 12 years ago #727 closed defect (fixed)mismatch between the WD text and the HM software on derivation of spatial merging candidates
In the text specifies a number of conditions for inclusion of a candidate in the merge list such as:
– (xP >> (log2_parallel_merge_level_minus2 + 2)) is equal to (xN >> (log2_parallel_merge_level_minus2 + 2)) and (yP >> (log2_parallel_merge_level_minus2 + 2)) is equal to (yN >> (log2_parallel_merge_level_minus2 + 2)).
– singleMCLFlag is equal to 0 and PartMode of the current prediction unit is PART_2NxN or PART_2NxnU or PART_2NxnD and partIdx is equal to 1 and N is equal to B1
– singleMCLFlag is equal to 0 and PartMode of the current prediction unit is PART_Nx2N or PART_nLx2N or PART_nRx2N and partIdx is equal to 1 and N is equal to A1
– N is equal to B2 and the prediction units covering luma location ( xA1, yA1 ) and luma location ( xN, yN ) have the same motion vectors and the same reference indices
In the software if the "parallel merge" test results in a particular candidate N not being added to the list then that N is not tested for equivalence when a subsequent candidate is considered.
However if a particular candidate N is not added as the current PU is the second partition of a 2 partition CU then that N is still used for the equivalence test when a subsequent candidate is considered.
Intuitively it would seem that a candidate should not be excluded from the list just because it has the same MV and RefIdx as another candidate that was not added to the list. Change History (8)comment:1 Changed 13 years ago by DefaultCC Plugin
comment:2 Changed 12 years ago by asimpsoncomment:3 Changed 12 years ago by sier
Another mismatch between the WD text and the HM software on derivation of spatial merging candidates is that:
it seems to solve the issue by following changes (the last sentence is added): comment:4 Changed 12 years ago by bbross
The second mismatch does not exists since the condition on INTRA is already checked in "6.4.2 Derivation process for prediction block availability" used to derive availableN. comment:5 Changed 12 years ago by sier
You are right, the second mismatch does not exist. comment:6 Changed 12 years ago by ksuehring
So, can this be closed as "fixed in HM 9.0"? comment:7 Changed 12 years ago by asimpson
Yes I agree that it appears to be fixed. comment:8 Changed 12 years ago by ksuehring
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As far as I see this mismatch between the HM and the WD still exists in version 8.1 of the HM.
For example in getInterMergeCandidates() if pcCULeft fails parallel merge test then it is set to NULL.
This means that pcCUAbove can still be added even if it has the same motion as pcCULeft.
However in the WD it states that B1 will not be added if.
This does not test if A1 was available, just if it has the same MV & Ref, and hence is different from the HM.
Perhaps the clause should read something like:
If so then there would still be a mismatch as pcCULeft is not set to NULL if it fails the following test.