Opened 13 years ago Closed 13 years ago #564 closed defect (invalid)ALF slice filter flag does not look at APS flag
In TDecCAVLC.cpp, line 1787, the alf_slice_filter flag is decoded even if a component is disabled in the APS. if(sps->getUseALF()) { char syntaxString[50]; for(Int compIdx=0; compIdx< 3; compIdx++) { // if( aps filter flag [compIdx]....) { sprintf(syntaxString, "alf_slice_filter_flag[%d]", compIdx); READ_FLAG(uiCode, syntaxString); rpcSlice->setAlfEnabledFlag( (uiCode ==1), compIdx); // } } }
Similarly, the codeSliceHeader function in the encoder should be edited to match. Change History (3)comment:1 Changed 13 years ago by DefaultCC Plugin
comment:2 Changed 13 years ago by yamakagecomment:3 Changed 13 years ago by fbossen
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It is the intention of the software and the specification text that alf_slice_filter flag is decoded regardless of alf_aps_filter_flag. The reason can be found in JCTVC-G566.
In summary, since we expect a possibility of a loss of APS, it was agreed that the slice header syntax parsing should be independent from APS parsing.
Therefore, the HM software and the current specification text follow this decision, and thus it is not necessary to modify the software nor the text.