Opened 10 months ago

#1522 new defect

Offset issue in clause

Reported by: crosewarne Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: Text Version: v5 (02/2018)
Keywords: Cc: bbross, jvet@…


(filed on behalf of Min Woo)

In section, Equation (8-279) appears to have an issue.

resSamples is a block level array but picture-level offsets (xCb, yCb) are applied when addressing samples in this array. The equation should instead be:

  1. The (nCbS)x(nCbS) residual sample array of the current coding block resSamples is modified as follows, for i = 0..nTbS − 1, j = 0..nTbS − 1:

resSamples[ xB0 / SubWidthC + i, yBN / SubHeightC + j ] = transformBlock[ i, j ] (8 279)

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  • Chris Rosewarne(Reporter)
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