Opened 3 years ago Last modified 3 years ago #1517 new defectHM outputs 40 frames for the test-vector NoOutPrior_A_Qualcomm_1.hevc
For the test-vector NoOutPrior_A_Qualcomm_1.hevc the HM decoder outputs 40 frames, but in the README for this test-vector, it states there should be 50 frames. Should it be expected that all 50 frames are outputted? The reason I am bringing this up, is that when the video only contains 40 frames it appears as if frames are missing. This becomes especially evident when compared to the outputted stream where all 50 frames are outputted. I added two mp4s (one with 40 frames and one with 50 frames) which show the difference between the two videos.
Since the README states 50 frames and the video that includes 50 frames has better quality, I am curious if 40 frames is actually the correct amount of frames that should be outputted. Note: See
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Unfortunately, it will not allow me to upload the videos, since they are slightly over the size limit.