Opened 5 years ago #1505 new defectMisleading bitstream requirement related to EOB NAL unit
In Section "Order of access units and association to CVSs" a requirement is expressed related to access units after an end of bitstream NAL unit.
"It is a requirement of bitstream conformance that, when present, the next access unit after an access unit that contains an end of sequence NAL unit or an end of bitstream NAL unit shall be an IRAP access unit, which may be an IDR access unit, a BLA access unit, or a CRA access unit."
However, in section "End of bitstream RBSP semantics" it is said that there are no NAL units (and thus no access units) present after the EOB NAL unit.
"The end of bitstream RBSP indicates that no additional NAL units are present in the bitstream that are subsequent to the end of bitstream RBSP in decoding order."
It seems misleading to impose a requirement on NAL units after the EOB NAL unit and at the same time state that there are no NAL units after the EOB NAL unit. The suggested fix is to remove "or an end of bitstream NAL unit" from the bitstream requirement in Section
"It is a requirement of bitstream conformance that, when present, the next access unit after an access unit that contains an end of sequence NAL unit shall be an IRAP access unit, which may be an IDR access unit, a BLA access unit, or a CRA access unit." Note: See
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