Opened 8 years ago #1464 new defectlocal RPS usage in arrangeLongtermPicturesInRPS
With the change of #4483 (corresponding to HM-16.6), local RPS(pcSlice->getLocalRPS()) became used instead of pcSlice->getRPS() in arrangeLongtermPicturesInRPS().
But the original implementation (seems from HM-7.1 for I0342, #define CODE_POCLSBLT_FIXEDLEN) would only work with pcSlice->getRPS(), because in many cases local RPS would be empty (not initialalized/set). Exception cases (local RPS can be valid) would be that createExplicitReferencePictureSetFromReference is called beforehand in TEncGOP.cpp due to a loss detection (return non-zero in checkThatAllRefPicsAreAvailable or IRAP. The createExplicit... prepares local RPS.
The patch (relative to HM-16.13) may resolve this issue.
two possible options:
Note: the issue is not related to CTC. The fix may not be good enough..(i not so familiar with this area) Attachments (1)Note: See
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