Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago #1345 closed defect (fixed)AdaptiveQp activity calculation error
In TEncPreanalyzer::xPreanalyze(...) (TEncPreanalyzer.cpp)
The sum of luma sample values and squared values is accumulated for each quadrant of a 2Nx2N cu - so each accumulates over NxN values, but the average is then calculated by dividing through by "uiNumPixInAQPart" which counts values over the whole 2Nx2N.
i.e. - for a 16x16 Cu, the 4 sums are accumulated over 64 values each, but the average value is calculated by dividing by 256. This gives an incorrect value for the variance of the blocks.
Possible fix -
Delete ", uiNumPixInAQPart++" in each of the 4 inner loops and insert at line 121
uiNumPixInAQPart = uiCurrAQPartWidth*uiCurrAQPartHeight/4; Change History (2)comment:1 Changed 10 years ago by DefaultCC Plugin
comment:2 Changed 10 years ago by karlsharman
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Fixed in r4591.