Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago #1182 closed defect (fixed)Inconsistencies between spec and reference decoder for intra block copying
When intra_bc_flag is 1, the specification says that CuPredMode is MODE_INTRA.
However, the reference code sets the mode to MODE_INTRABC.
This causes some inconsistencies in residual_coding and other places.
For example, consider a coding unit using MODE_INTRABC.
I would appreciate clarification on the following points (where I think the specification and reference decoder mismatch):
Change History (4)comment:1 Changed 11 years ago by DefaultCC Plugin
comment:2 Changed 11 years ago by peterderivazcomment:3 Changed 11 years ago by peterderivaz
With respect to point 3, I see that in it is explicitly said that predModeIntra is undefined when using block copying. I assume that this means that the comparisons in that check (predModeIntra == 10 || predModeIntra == 26 ) are expected to fail because we are comparing an undefined value with a defined value. comment:4 Changed 11 years ago by davidf
In answer to your questions:
Fixed in O1005v1:
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Looking more carefully, I would like to delete point 6.
part_mode (PartSize in the reference decoder) is not present in the bitstream when intra_bc_flag is 1, and so PartMode defaults to PART_2Nx2N as specified in the semantics for part_mode.