Custom Query (1442 matches)


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Results (16 - 18 of 1442)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1322 fixed Slice mode broken in HM16.0 zhou

The slice mode in HM16.0 is broken. For example, if SliceMode is set to 1 and SliceArgument is set to 30 for a 1080p sequence, the encoder creates bitstream which leads to decoder crash.

The problem did not exist in HM15.0, but in HM-15.0+RExt-8.1

#1496 wontfix Compiling error with SEI.cpp zhangaaron

Have got errors when compiling the encoder (release x64) using VC2010 and Linux.

The error seems with SEI.cpp, reporting like below:

.\..\source\Lib\TLibCommon\SEI.cpp(107): error C2661: 'std::vector<_Ty>::vector' : no overloaded function takes 7 arguments 1> with 1> [ 1> _Ty=SEI::PayloadType 1> ]

#1171 fixed Field-coding - bug fix in GOP structure zagyo

( Fixes the bug reported in ticket #1146 )

A normativity problem occurs at each intra period where, after coding the IRAP top field, we try to encode a trailing picture (the bottom field) before the leading pictures associated to the same IRAP picture. In the patch attached, the bottom field is coded before the top field in this case in order to avoid this problem without separating fields of the same frame at each GOP end.

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