Custom Query (1442 matches)


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Results (91 - 93 of 1442)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1389 worksforme possible memory issue kolya

It seems (I am not sure) that in TDecCU::create (TDecCu.cpp line 82) there is wrong loop condition: it should be <= rather that <, coz when m_uiMaxDepth == 1 there is no memory allocation.

#1388 fixed SCC text error of act qp offset addition process in 8.6.1 and 8.6.2. kchono

Act qp offset in JCTVC-T0140 was adopted in the last meeting.

It seems that JCTVC-T1005 v2 contains the following text integration errors: (1) qPiCb and qPiCr derivations described in (8-278) and (8-279) of 8.6.1 are not modified as in JCTVC-T0140 text. (2) qP derivations for cIdx=1 and cIdx=2 described in (8-283) and (8-284) of 8.6.2 are not modified as in JCTVC-T0140 text.

As the result, act qp offsets are additionally added to Qp'cb and Qp'cr which are already added with (non-act) qp offsets. Obviously that is not intended operation.

The above parts in 8.6.1 and 8.6.2 should be corrected according to JCTVC-T0140 text.

#1387 fixed documentation of bWriteMode parameter to TVideoIOYuv::open() is incorrect dthoang

In the documentation of TVideoIOYuv::open(),

 * \param bWriteMode       file open mode: true=read, false=write

should be

 * \param bWriteMode       file open mode: true=write, false=read
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