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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1160 worksforme Seg Fault with RExt-4.0 (same issue was with rc1/rc2 but did not get chance to submit) bmandel

I thought this might have been library issue on my machine but it appears could be related to the tool. I cannot run inter-frame compression using the default 'random/rext' cfg more than 8 frames. Seg fault occurs after the first frame finishes printing it's log line to the screen. Are there other potential cfg or compile directives to try first as this is little info to go on?

I did set and compile with makefile set to M32?= 1

Result is same if RExtCOLOUR_SPACE_CONVERSIONS compiled to 0 or 1.

$ uname -a Linux 0xFFFB 3.2.45-smp #2 SMP Fri May 31 16:57:40 CDT 2013 i686 Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU M 480 @ 2.67GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux (slackware 14.0 32bit)

(gdb) run
Starting program: /home/<dir>/HEVC/HM_HEVC/HM-12.0+RExt-4.0/bin/TAppEncoderStaticd -c ../../cfg/12bit_rext.cfg -i /home/qbit/Documents/HEVC/tiff2ydzdx/10k4k/YDzDx10k4k.yuv -wdt 3840 -hgt 2160 -fr 24 -f 9 --InputBitDepth=12 -vui 0
warning: Could not load shared library symbols for
Do you need "set solib-search-path" or "set sysroot"?
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Using host libthread_db library "/lib/".

HM software: Encoder Version [12.0_RExt4.0][Linux][GCC 4.7.1][32 bit] 

** WARNING: --SEIDecodedPictureHash is now disabled by default. **
**          Automatic verification of decoded pictures by a     **
**          decoder requires this option to be enabled.         **
** WARNING: For conforming bitstreams a valid Level value must be set!   **

Input          File             : /home/qbit/Documents/HEVC/tiff2ydzdx/10k4k/YDzDx10k4k.yuv
Bitstream      File             : str.bin
Reconstruction File             : rec.yuv
Real     Format                 : 3840x2160 24Hz
Internal Format                 : 3840x2160 24Hz
Sequence PSNR output            : Linear average only
Frame/Field                     : Frame based coding
Frame index                     : 0 - 8 (9 frames)
Profile                         : main-RExt
CU size / depth                 : 64 / 4
RQT trans. size (min / max)     : 4 / 32
Max RQT depth inter             : 3
Max RQT depth intra             : 3
Min PCM size                    : 8
Motion search range             : 64
Intra period                    : 32
Decoding refresh type           : 1
QP                              :  1.00
Max dQP signaling depth         : 0
Cb QP Offset                    : 0
Cr QP Offset                    : 0
QP adaptation                   : 0 (range=0)
GOP size                        : 8
Internal bit depth              : (Y:12, C:12)
PCM sample bit depth            : (Y:12, C:12)
Extended precision processing   : Enabled
Intra reference smoothing       : Enabled
Intra residual DPCM             : Enabled
Inter residual DPCM             : Enabled
Intra Block Copying             : Enabled
Residual rotation               : Enabled
Single significance map context : Enabled
Cost function:                  : Lossy coding (default)
RateControl                     : 0
Max Num Merge Candidates        : 5

TOOL CFG: IBD:0 HAD:1 SRD:1 RDQ:1 RDQTS:1 RDpenalty:0 SQP:0 ASR:0 FEN:1 ECU:0 FDM:1 CFM:0 ESD:0 RQT:1 TransformSkip:1 TransformSkipFast:1 TransformSkipLog2MaxSize:2 Slice: M=0 SliceSegment: M=0 CIP:0 SAO:1 PCM:0 SAOLcuBasedOptimization:1 TransQuantBypassEnabled:0 WPP:0 WPB:0 PME:2  WaveFrontSynchro:0 WaveFrontSubstreams:1 ScalingList:0 TMVPMode:1 AQpS:0 SignBitHidingFlag:1 RecalQP:0

RExt Non-environment-variable-controlled macros set as follows: 

                               RExt__COLOUR_SPACE_CONVERSIONS =   0
                            RExt__SQUARE_TRANSFORM_CHROMA_422 =   1
                           RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS =   0
                                 RExt__HIGH_BIT_DEPTH_SUPPORT =   1
                       RExt__HIGH_PRECISION_FORWARD_TRANSFORM =   0
                                   RExt__M0042_NO_DISPLAY_SEI =   1
                                    RExt__NRCE2_RESIDUAL_DPCM =   1
                                RExt__NRCE2_RESIDUAL_ROTATION =   1
                 RExt__N0141_USE_1_TO_1_422_CHROMA_QP_MAPPING =   1
                    RExt__N0188_EXTENDED_PRECISION_PROCESSING =   1
               RExt__N0192_DERIVED_CHROMA_32x32_SCALING_LISTS =   1
                                 RExt__N0256_INTRA_BLOCK_COPY =   1
                    RExt__N0275_TRANSFORM_SKIP_SHIFT_CLIPPING =   1
                      RExt__MEETINGNOTES_UNLIMITED_SIZE_LEVEL =   1

                   Input ChromaFormatIDC =   4:2:0
       Output (internal) ChromaFormatIDC =   4:2:0

POC    0 TId: 0 ( I-SLICE, nQP 1 QP 1 )   50888424 bits [Y 63.2402 dB    U 62.5175 dB    V 62.5641 dB] [ET  1076 ] [L0 ] [L1 ]

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0xb7d5d21f in memcpy () from /lib/
(gdb) bt
#0  0xb7d5d21f in memcpy () from /lib/
#1  0x080d7122 in TComPicYuv::copyToPic (this=0x8265688, pcPicYuvDst=0x1bc6fa8)
    at /home/qbit/Documents/HEVC/HM_HEVC/HM-12.0+RExt-4.0/build/linux/lib/TLibCommon/../../../../source/Lib/TLibCommon/TComPicYuv.cpp:167
#2  0x08092f97 in TEncTop::encode (this=0xbfff2a8c, flush=true, pcPicYuvOrg=0x8265688, 
    rcListPicYuvRecOut=..., accessUnitsOut=..., iNumEncoded=@0xbffee7ec: 0)
    at /home/qbit/Documents/HEVC/HM_HEVC/HM-12.0+RExt-4.0/build/linux/lib/TLibEncoder/../../../../source/Lib/TLibEncoder/TEncTop.cpp:369
#3  0x08067a9a in TAppEncTop::encode (this=0xbffee850)
    at /home/qbit/Documents/HEVC/HM_HEVC/HM-12.0+RExt-4.0/build/linux/app/TAppEncoder/../../../../source/App/TAppEncoder/TAppEncTop.cpp:507
#4  0x0804dc93 in main (argc=16, argv=0xbfffe9d4)
    at /home/qbit/Documents/HEVC/HM_HEVC/HM-12.0+RExt-4.0/build/linux/app/TAppEncoder/../../../../source/App/TAppEncoder/encmain.cpp:98

#1273 worksforme Incorrect section reference jackh

In P1005 v2 section 8.4.1, there are several incorrect references to section as "general decoding process for intra blocks" - this reference should be

#1359 worksforme Pic Timing: cpb removal delay calculation causes conformance failures abishop

As I understand it, calculating CPB removal times can have this example path below (HM & x265 have this behavior), which can force non-conformance. Am I understanding these derivations correctly?

What does au_cpb_removal_delay mean for the AU containing a BP message?

--- AU-0

Buffering Period:

concatenation_flag = 0 nal_initial_cpb_removal_delay = 32401

Pic Timing:

au_cpb_removal_delay_minus1 = 0

AuCpbRemovalDelayVal = au_cpb_removal_delay_minus1 + 1 (D-2) = 1 AuNominalRemovalTime[0] = InitCpbRemovalDelay[0] ÷ 90000 (C-10) = 0.36001 AuCpbRemovalTime[0] = AuNominalRemovalTime[0] = 0.36001


Pic Timing:

au_cpb_removal_delay_minus1 = 0

AuCpbRemovalDelayVal = 1

  • Violates: "Within one buffering period, the AuCpbRemovalDelayVal values for any two access units shall not be the same."

AuNominalRemovalTime[1] = AuNominalRemovalTime[0] + ClockTick * (AuCpbRemovalDelayVal - CpbDelayOffset) (C-12) = 0.36001 + 0.04171 * (1-0) = 0.40172 AuCpbRemovalTime[1] = AuNominalRemovalTime[1]


Pic Timing:

au_cpb_removal_delay_minus1 = 1

AuCpbRemovalDelayVal = 2 AuNominalRemovalTime(2) = AuCpbRemovalTime[2] = 0.44343


Buffering Period:

concatenation_flag = 0 nal_initial_cpb_removal_delay = 36001

Pic Timing:

au_cpb_removal_delay_minus1 = 0

AuCpbRemovalDelayVal = 1 AuNominalRemovalTime(3) = baseTime + ClockTick * ( tmpCpbRemovalDelay - CpbDelayOffset ) = 0.40172 (same as AU-1) AuCpbRemovalTime[3] = AuNominalRemovalTime[3]

  • This breaks the timeline between buffering periods. First instinct is to make have this au_cpb_removal_delay_minus1 encoded as the previous' plus one. But, that would surely cause a duplicate.
  • Given AuNominalRemovalTime[3] - AuCpbRemovalTime[2] < 0, Clause A.4.2.a is forced to fail.


Pic Timing:

au_cpb_removal_delay_minus1 = 0

AuCpbRemovalDelayVal = 1

  • Violates: "Within one buffering period, the AuCpbRemovalDelayVal values for any two access units shall not be the same."

AuNominalRemovalTime(4) = 0.40172

  • Given AuCpbRemovalTime[4] - AuCpbRemovalTime[3] == 0, Clause A.4.2.d is forced to fail.


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