Custom Query (1442 matches)


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Results (55 - 57 of 1442)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#59 fixed Memory issue - unnecessarily long variable type wjhan

Comments from Tourapis, Alexis. Thanks!

Currently motion vector and reference indices use Int-type variable. There are other cases using unnecessarily long variable type. Check them and replace them by suitable types. It can reduce memory considerably.

#60 fixed Configurability of chroma interpolation filter wjhan

Current software uses bi-linear interpolation filter for chroma when InterpFilterType=0, 3 and 4 while luma 1/8th filter is used for InterpFilterType=1 and 2.

Configurability of the use of luma 1/8th interpolation filter for chroma (possibly different default number of taps of chroma, but not new filter) is preferable.

#61 fixed Configurability of MDDT and ROT wjhan

Current TMuC uses MDDT for 4x4/8x8 and ROT for other sizes. It was suggested to allow two coding tools as it was proposed in CfP - MDDT for 4x4/8x8, ROT for all sizes. (It is easy since ROT is 2nd transform after any kind of first transform)

Configurability to allow testing this feature is useful to identify the validity of the unified design of TMuC.

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