Custom Query (1442 matches)


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Results (52 - 54 of 1442)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#56 fixed SIFO possible bug n.shlyakhov@…

Valgrind trace for ticket #50 test conditions reports conditional move or jump in TEncSIFO.cpp

#57 duplicate Excessive memory allocation fbossen

Memory allocation is excessive, possibly leading to crashes.

Memory usage has been analyzed for the following case: class B encoding with max CU=32x32, memory snapshot during encoding of 2nd frame

  • Transform coefficients:

9 TComList objects 2040 CUs per frame 3 32x32 integer arrays per CU (luma+2*chroma), each array is 4KB 9 * 2040 * 3 * 32 * 32 * 4 = 215MB

  • Luma frame buffers: 40 * 4.48MB = 179MB
  • Chroma frame buffers: 79 * 1.12MB = 89MB
  • Bitstream buffers (TComBitStream objects): 8 * 11.87MB = 95MB

Also see attached jpeg file

#58 worksforme Encoder crash for TE-9 S0-8 anonymous

For TE-9 S0-8, there several encoder crashes, one of them is attached as the bat\cfg and output txt for the crash analyse

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