Custom Query (15 matches)


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Status: closed (15 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#841 Monochrome support - syntax table changes davidf defect major RExt text D10 (L1003) v33
#1138 Usage of BitDepthC when ChromaArrayType is equal to 0 defect minor RExt text RExt D4 (N1005) v3
#1139 Interaction of decoded picture hash SEI message and separate colour planes defect minor RExt text RExt D4 (N1005) v3
#1140 Value of VUI matrix_coeffs when chroma_format_idc = 0 (monochrome) enhancement minor RExt text RExt D4 (N1005) v3
#1179 Inconsistent initialisation values for intra_bc_flag defect major RExt text RExt D4 (N1005) v3
#1225 4:2:2 and 4:4:4 chroma cbf coding defect major RExt text RExt D5 (O1005) v3
#1252 Mismatched coordinates in transform_unit() defect minor RExt text RExt D6 (P1005) v1
#1256 4:2:2 and 4:4:4 chroma cbf coding defect major RExt text RExt D6 (P1005) v1
#1263 Editorial enhancement on "escapeDataPresent = 1" in davidf enhancement minor RExt text RExt D6 (P1005) v1
#1272 Redundant condition in default weighted sample prediction process defect minor RExt text RExt D6 (P1005) v1
#1273 Incorrect section reference defect minor RExt text RExt D6 (P1005) v1
#1290 Wrong values in RExt table A-2 defect minor RExt text RExt D7 (Q1005) v3
#1294 444, derivation of scanIdx and predModeIntra, mismatch between specification and software defect major RExt text RExt D7 (Q1005) v6
#1319 Superfluous condition on residualDpcm in intra blocks defect minor RExt text RExt D7 (Q1005) v8
#1299 int and unsigned int comparison defect major HM SCC SCC-1.0 (RExt-7.0)
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.