Custom Query (9 matches)


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Status: closed (9 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#1215 Minor improvement in clarifying the branch condition for parsing rqt_root_cbf flag defect minor RExt text RExt D5 (O1005) v2
#1231 refMatrixId can become negative defect minor RExt text RExt D5 (O1005) v3
#1234 uses incorrect coordinate system assigning to xTb1 and yTb1 defect minor RExt text RExt D5 (O1005) v3
#1235 transform_unit() reads incorrect chroma cbf for 4:2:2 subsamples defect minor RExt text RExt D5 (O1005) v3
#1236 Equation 8-367 needs coordinate system update defect minor RExt text RExt D5 (O1005) v3
#1237 Inferred value needed for delta_chroma_log2_weight_denom defect minor RExt text RExt D5 (O1005) v3
#1238 Coordinate system conversion in defect minor RExt text RExt D5 (O1005) v3
#1249 Typo in sec 8.4.4 defect minor RExt text RExt D6 (P1005) v1
#1254 Inconsistency between reference decoder and spec in filtering process for chroma block edges defect minor RExt text RExt D6 (P1005) v1
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.