Custom Query (8 matches)


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Status: closed (8 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#602 Division by small number leads to WP overflow defect minor HM-7.1 fixed
#551 False calculation of bits needed for tile_idx_minus_1 defect minor HM-7.0 wontfix
#633 HM/WD mismatch. PPS num_ref_idx_l0_default_active_minus1 coding defect minor HM-7.1 fixed
#603 Incorrect chroma offset in WP defect minor HM-7.1 fixed
#605 Invalid Video Parameter Set ID defect minor HM-7.1 fixed
#456 Slice header: SAO and ALF flag positions wrong defect minor HM-6.0 fixed
#608 compilation fails using g++-4.7.1: strict-aliasing warning defect minor HM-7.1 fixed
#610 log2_parallel_merge_level_minus2 configurability enhancement minor HM-7.1 fixed
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.