

19 Nov 2015:

14:23 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [1393] by tech
Modified cfg files.
11:23 Ticket #112 (output_layer_flag conformance restriction in MV-HEVC encoding) closed by tech

17 Nov 2015:

20:34 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [1392] by tech
- Cleanups. - Fix of memory leak. - Fix for ticket 114.
17:20 Tickets #85,​86 batch updated by tech
16:57 Ticket #107 (Missing derivation on OlsIdxToLsIdx[]) closed by tech
16:55 Ticket #113 (HTM15.1 decoder crash) closed by tech
16:52 Ticket #91 (misalingment between software and working draft) closed by tech
16:51 Ticket #111 (Log2MpiSubPbSizeMinus3 should be 0 in baseCfg_2view+depth.cfg) closed by tech
16:49 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [1391] by tech
For fixes and cleanups.

13 Nov 2015:

17:00 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [1390] by tech
Removed 3D.
16:48 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [1389] by tech
For of MV-draft-5.
16:43 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [1388] by tech
Version including updates, cleanups, and bug fixes.
16:41 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [1387] by tech
- Added coding results. - Changed version number.
16:29 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [1386] by tech
Merged 15.1-dev1@1381.
03:06 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [1385] by nict-htm
Lexical Fix ( ATM -> HTM )

12 Nov 2015:

18:56 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [1384] by tech
Remmoved 3D-HEVC.
17:11 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [1383] by tech
For development of MV-draft-5
08:32 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [1382] by nict-htm
Codingresults: Newspaper QP40: "Dec T" and "Ren T" value update.

11 Nov 2015:

20:48 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [1381] by tech
Reset HEVC_EXT value.
20:47 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [1380] by tech
Further clean ups.
12:08 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [1379] by nict-htm
ADD: Tested alternativeDepthInfoSei_gvd_xxxx.cfg, decoded SEI.txt and …
11:18 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [1378] by nict-htm
11:18 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [1377] by nict-htm
11:18 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [1376] by nict-htm
11:18 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [1375] by nict-htm
10:35 Ticket #89 (ARP refIdx and refcheck) closed by tech
06:55 Ticket #114 (Mismatch between text and software on DPB size syntax) created by kkawamura
There is a mismatch between text and software onDPB size syntax. In …

9 Nov 2015:

21:13 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [1374] by tech
Macro cleanups.

6 Nov 2015:

16:18 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [1373] by tech
Macro fixes.

5 Nov 2015:

15:11 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [1372] by tech
Fixed HEVC_EXT macro.

29 Oct 2015:

15:51 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [1371] by tech
Further fixes.

28 Oct 2015:

21:25 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [1370] by tech
Further fixes.
20:14 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [1369] by tech
Merged cfg files from HM-16.7
20:09 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [1368] by tech
Align macros
20:05 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [1367] by tech
Align macros
19:53 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [1366] by tech
Align macros
19:50 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [1365] by tech
Align macros
19:40 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [1364] by tech
Align macros
19:21 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [1363] by tech
Align macros
19:15 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [1362] by tech
Align macros
18:05 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [1361] by tech
Added vc2015 solution.
17:46 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [1360] by tech
Update to HM-16.7.

27 Oct 2015:

15:50 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [1359] by tech
For clean-ups and update to HM-16.7.
11:50 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [1358] by tech
Version including SEIs.
11:39 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [1357] by tech
- Added coding results. - Changed version number.
11:33 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [1356] by tech
Merged 15.1-dev0-NICT@1355.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.