Opened 8 years ago

Last modified 8 years ago

#114 new mismatch

Mismatch between text and software on DPB size syntax

Reported by: kkawamura Owned by: tech
Priority: major Component: HTM software
Version: HTM-15.2 Keywords:
Cc: tech, jct-3v@…


There is a mismatch between text and software onDPB size syntax.
In F. DPB size syntax of 2nd Edition, the text is

sub_layer_flag_info_present_flag[ i ]
for( j = 0; j <= MaxSubLayersInLayerSetMinus1[ currLsIdx ]; j++ ) {
  if( j > 0 && sub_layer_flag_info_present_flag[ i ] )
    sub_layer_dpb_info_present_flag[ i ][ j ]

In TDecCAVLC.cpp of HTM15.2, the code is

    READ_FLAG( uiCode, "sub_layer_flag_info_present_flag" ); dpbSize.setSubLayerFlagInfoPresentFlag( i, uiCode == 1 );
    for( Int j = 0; j  <=  vps->getMaxSubLayersInLayerSetMinus1( currLsIdx ); j++ )
      if( j > 0  &&  dpbSize.getSubLayerDpbInfoPresentFlag( i, j )  )
        READ_FLAG( uiCode, "sub_layer_dpb_info_present_flag" ); dpbSize.setSubLayerDpbInfoPresentFlag( i, j, uiCode == 1 );

To align software with text, dpbSize.getSubLayerDpbInfoPresentFlag is replaced by dpbSize.getSubLayerFlagInfoPresentFlag.

Change history (1)

comment:1 Changed 8 years ago by tech

Fixed now in branches/HTM-16.0-dev1 revision 1392.
I would appreciate your review.

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  • Gerhard Tech(Owner, Subscriber, Participant, Always)
  • jct-3v@…(Subscriber)
  • Karsten Suehring(Always)
  • Kei Kawamura(Reporter)