Active 3D-HEVC text tickets by version (5 matches)

All active 3D-HEVC text tickets.

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Version: None (1 match)

Ticket Summary Status Type Priority Created Reporter
#116 wrong referencing in section I. new defect minor 8 years racapef

Version: 3D-HEVC Draft Text 7 (4 matches)

Ticket Summary Status Type Priority Created Reporter
#102 skip_intra_flag used instead of skip_intra_mode_idx new defect major 10 years tech
#103 Disparity derivation for depth invoked although camera parameters might not be present new defect major 10 years tech
#115 Rounding offsets for illumination compensation are missing in HEVCv3 spec. new text missing major 8 years parkmw
#110 Missing process in DMM table derivation new defect minor 10 years Tomohiro Ikai
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