Custom query (96 matches)


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Results (52 - 54 of 96)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#37 fixed Missing condition in H.7.3.4 Slice header syntax tech parkmw

In H.7.3.4 Slice header syntax,

... else if( layer_id ) {

slice_ic_enable_flag slice_ic_disable_merge_zero_idx_flag

} ...

should be replaced by

... else if( layer_id ) {

slice_ic_enable_flag if( slice_ic_enable_flag ) {



} ...

in order to align with the HTM software implementation.

#49 fixed Mismatch in VSP horSplitFlag derivation between WD and HTM tech Tomohiro Ikai

The sign of inequality is different between WD(">") and HTM("<"), it poses different results (please see the following detail). Because the mismatch was occured in the text editing phase and the HTM has been tested for some meeting cycles. I think WD fix might be appropriate. An example of WD fix is attached.

// WD
horSplitFlag = ( refDepPels[ xP0 ][ yP0 ] > refDepPels[ xP1 ][ yP1 ] )
= = ( refDepPels[ xP1 ][ yP0 ] > refDepPels[ xP0 ][ yP1] ) ) (H 296)
– The variables nSubBlkW and nSubBlkH are modified as specified in the following:
nSubBlkW = horSplitFlag ? 8 : 4 (H 297)
nSubBlkH = horSplitFlag ? 4 : 8 (H 298)

// HTM
ULvsBR = refDepthTmp[0][x+offset[0]] < refDepthTmp[3][x+offset[3]];
URvsBL = refDepthTmp[0][x+offset[3]] < refDepthTmp[3][x+offset[0]]; 
if( ULvsBR ^ URvsBL )
{ // 4x8 

// Detail
> 1 0
== 0 0
< 0 1
WD     UR>BL     UR==BL    UR<BL
UL>BR  8x4(1==1)  4x8(1==0)* 4x8(1==0)
UL==BR 4x8(0==1)* 8x4(0==0)  8x4(0==0)*
UL<BR  4x8(0==1)  8x4(0==0)* 8x4(0==0)
HTM    UR>BL     UR==BL    UR<BL
UL>BR  8x4(0^0)  8x4(0^0)* 4x8(0^1)
UL==BR 8x4(0^0)* 8x4(0^0)  4x8(0^1)*
UL<BR  4x8(1^0)  4x8(1^0)* 8x4(1^1)
#58 fixed Mismatch between WD and Software for the coding of "depth_dc_flag" tech ewchen

In the reference software HTM-10.0r1, two contexts are used to code "depth_dc_flag" according to the number of segments. However, in the WD, only one context is used to code "depth_dc_flag".

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