11 years |
sharpjp-htm |
Integration of F0102
11 years |
zhang |
Initialization of JCT3V-F0102
11 years |
mediatek-htm |
Xianguo Zhang from MediaTek integrated the changes in F0109 and F0120 …
11 years |
mediatek-htm |
Xianguo Zhang from MediaTek integrated the changes in F0109 and F0120 …
11 years |
mediatek-htm |
Xianguo Zhang from MediaTek integrated the changes in F0109 and F0120 …
11 years |
mediatek-htm |
Xianguo Zhang from MediaTek integrated the changes in F0109 and F0120 …
11 years |
chang |
For F0093 integration
11 years |
samsung-htm |
Integration of F0147 and F0151
F0147: DMM simplification and …
11 years |
samsung-htm |
Bug-fix in rev.697
11 years |
samsung-htm |
Integration of F0147: DMM simplification and signalling
11 years |
samsung-htm |
Integration of F0150: MPI candidate in depth merge mode list construction
11 years |
tech |
Integration branch for F0147 and F0151.
11 years |
zhang |
Initial version for JCT3V-F0109/JCT3V-F0120
11 years |
sharpjp-htm |
Integration of F0105
11 years |
lg |
The test results are updated.
11 years |
chang |
For Samsung's integration
11 years |
lg |
Integration of "Removal of redundancy on VSP, ARP and IC" …
11 years |
lg |
11 years |
lg |
11 years |
lg |
11 years |
zhang |
Initial version for JCT3V-F0105
11 years |
chang |
Initial version for JCT3V-F0104: CE3: Removal of redundancy on VSP, …
11 years |
chang |
Change back to original TAppDecoder_vc9.vcproj
11 years |
mediatek-htm |
Integration of VSP simplification proposed in FJCT3V-F0111 enabled by …
11 years |
lg |
JCT3V-0159, JCT3V-F0160 checklist/Crosscheck_F0132_F0171 vs 3D_8.2 …
11 years |
lg |
JCT3V-F0123_F0108 Crosscheck update
11 years |
lg |
JCT3V-F0159, JCT3V-F0160 update
11 years |
lg |
JCT3V-F0161 update
11 years |
lg |
JCT3V-F0161 Checklist
11 years |
lg |
JCT3V-F0161 results
11 years |
lg |
11 years |
lg |
Checklist upload
11 years |
lg |
Crosscheck_F0132_F0171 & integration result
11 years |
lg |
JCT3V-F0159; JCT3V-F0160
Bugfix is included. (JCT3V-F0158)
11 years |
chang |
Track 2 - MediaTek
11 years |
zhang |
Remove space.
11 years |
tech |
Integration branch for F0159 and F0160.
11 years |
zhang |
11 years |
zhang |
For integration of JCT3V-F0161
11 years |
zhang |
JCT3V-F0132; JCT3V-F0171
11 years |
zhang |
JCT3V-F0123, JCT3V-F0108
11 years |
tech |
Integration branch for JCT3V-F0132/JCT3V-F0171.
11 years |
tech |
Integration branch for JCT3V-F0125.
11 years |
tech |
Integration branch for JCT3V-F0123/JCT3V-F0108.
11 years |
tech |
Not needed anymore, due to rearrangement of integration plan.
11 years |
tech |
Integration branch for JCT3V-F0110.
11 years |
tech |
Fixed wrong branch name.
11 years |
tech |
Fixed wrong branch name.
11 years |
tech |
Fixed wrong branch name
11 years |
tech |
Version including:
-Rate control
-Clean ups
-Update to HTM-12.0
11 years |
tech |
Added coding results. Changed version number.
11 years |
tech |
Merged 8.1-Cleanup@654
11 years |
tech |
Fixed minor issues, introduced by update.
11 years |
tech |
Added missing parts of merge.
11 years |
tech |
Added missing parts of merge.
11 years |
tech |
Update to HM 12.0.
11 years |
tech |
11 years |
tech |
Added missing macros.
11 years |
tech |
Macro removal part H_MV5.
11 years |
tech |
Macro removal part 2.
11 years |
tech |
Macro removal part 1.
11 years |
tech |
Branch for cleanups.
11 years |
tech |
- CTC Fixed cfg file.
- Restructured Non-CTC cfg files
11 years |
kwu-htm |
Macro-related revision.
11 years |
tech |
Added missing guard macros (GT_RC_MACRO_FIX).
Fixed TypeDef.h.
11 years |
kwu-htm |
Macro-related fixed.
11 years |
kwu-htm |
Rest of the marcos fixed.
11 years |
kwu-htm |
Macro cleaned up.
11 years |
kwu-htm |
Macro enclosed and cleaned-up
11 years |
kwu-htm |
Clean up and revised according to the guideline.
11 years |
kwu-htm |
Clean-up version of JCT3V-E0227.
11 years |
kwu-htm |
"JCT3V-E0227 : Inter-view MAD prediction for 3D multi-view video" is …
11 years |
suehring |
add useful values for svn:auto-props on repository root
11 years |
chang |
Start point for JCT3V-E0227 JCT3V-Inter-view MAD prediction for rate …
11 years |
chang |
Disable flexible coding order by default for CTC.
11 years |
chang |
Enable the depth selection in E0163 for flexible coding order.
Add the …
11 years |
chang |
Fixed macro news to H_3D_FCO_E0163 with document number.
11 years |
chang |
Added H_3D_FCO for flexible coding order (FCO).
The results can be …
11 years |
chang |
HTM 8.2 integration for flexible coding order by MediaTek
11 years |
tech |
Version including MV-HEVC 5 HLS.
11 years |
tech |
Changed names of result sheets.
11 years |
tech |
Changed version number.
11 years |
tech |
Release candidate 1 version. Including MV-HEVC 5 HLS.
11 years |
tech |
Changed version number. Added coding results.
11 years |
tech |
Merged 8.0-dev0@621 (MV-HEVC 5 HLS).
11 years |
tech |
Fixed xRestrictBipredMergeCand call.
Other minor cleanups.
11 years |
tech |
Update cfg files + TypeDef.h
11 years |
tech |
Fixed erroneous macro related H_3D_VSP.
11 years |
tech |
- Cleanups
- Further ENC_DEC trace …
11 years |
tech |
Merged missing parts.
11 years |
tech |
Fix ticket #40. ( H_MV_FIX_LID_PIC_HASH_SEI_T40 )
11 years |
tech |
Cleanups and macro removals related to merge and vsp
- …
11 years |
hhi |
11 years |
hhi |
11 years |
hhi |
SEC_DMM2_E0146_HHIFIX: Fix for SEC_DMM2_E0146, now including all DMM2 …
11 years |
tech |
Branch for HTM-8.1 integrations.
11 years |
tech |
Version including all tools relevant for 3D-HEVC core experiments …
11 years |
tech |
Changed version number.
Added coding results.
11 years |
tech |
Merged DEV-2.0-dev0@604.
11 years |
tech |
Merged missing file.