29 Jun 2015, 19:43:32 (10 years ago)
  1. enable ARP by NH_3D_ARP with simulation results included; 2. address Gerhard's comments on setBaseViewRefPicList; 3. align the software with the specification of checking the correct reference picture list proposed in JCT3V-F105
1 edited


  • branches/HTM-14.1-update-dev4-Qualcomm/source/Lib/TLibCommon/TComYuv.cpp

    r1200 r1262  
    489 #if H_3D_ARP
    490 Void TComYuv::addARP( TComYuv* pcYuvSrc0, TComYuv* pcYuvSrc1, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiWidth, UInt uiHeight, Bool bClip )
    491 {
    492   addARPLuma   ( pcYuvSrc0, pcYuvSrc1, uiAbsPartIdx, uiWidth   , uiHeight    , bClip );
    493   addARPChroma ( pcYuvSrc0, pcYuvSrc1, uiAbsPartIdx, uiWidth>>1, uiHeight>>1 , bClip );
    494 }
    496 Void TComYuv::addARPLuma( TComYuv* pcYuvSrc0, TComYuv* pcYuvSrc1, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiWidth, UInt uiHeight, Bool bClip )
     489#if NH_3D_ARP
     490Void TComYuv::addARP( TComYuv* pcYuvSrc0, TComYuv* pcYuvSrc1, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiWidth, UInt uiHeight, Bool bClip, const BitDepths &clipBitDepths )
     492  addARPLuma   ( pcYuvSrc0, pcYuvSrc1, uiAbsPartIdx, uiWidth   , uiHeight    , bClip , clipBitDepths);
     493  addARPChroma ( pcYuvSrc0, pcYuvSrc1, uiAbsPartIdx, uiWidth>>1, uiHeight>>1 , bClip , clipBitDepths);
     496Void TComYuv::addARPLuma( TComYuv* pcYuvSrc0, TComYuv* pcYuvSrc1, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiWidth, UInt uiHeight, Bool bClip, const BitDepths &clipBitDepths )
    498498  Int x, y;
    500   Pel* pSrc0 = pcYuvSrc0->getLumaAddr( uiAbsPartIdx );
    501   Pel* pSrc1 = pcYuvSrc1->getLumaAddr( uiAbsPartIdx );
    502   Pel* pDst  = getLumaAddr( uiAbsPartIdx );
    504   UInt iSrc0Stride = pcYuvSrc0->getStride();
    505   UInt iSrc1Stride = pcYuvSrc1->getStride();
    506   UInt iDstStride  = getStride();
    507   Int iIFshift = IF_INTERNAL_PREC - g_bitDepthY;
     500  Pel* pSrc0 = pcYuvSrc0->getAddr( COMPONENT_Y, uiAbsPartIdx );
     501  Pel* pSrc1 = pcYuvSrc1->getAddr( COMPONENT_Y, uiAbsPartIdx );
     502  Pel* pDst  = getAddr( COMPONENT_Y, uiAbsPartIdx );
     504  UInt iSrc0Stride = pcYuvSrc0->getStride(COMPONENT_Y);
     505  UInt iSrc1Stride = pcYuvSrc1->getStride(COMPONENT_Y);
     506  UInt iDstStride  = getStride(COMPONENT_Y);
     507  const Int clipbd = clipBitDepths.recon[CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA];
     508  Int iIFshift = IF_INTERNAL_PREC - clipbd;
    508509  Int iOffSet  = ( 1 << ( iIFshift - 1 ) ) + IF_INTERNAL_OFFS;
    509511  for ( y = uiHeight-1; y >= 0; y-- )
    510512  {
    514516      if( bClip )
    515517      {
    516         pDst[x] = ClipY( ( pDst[x] + iOffSet ) >> iIFshift );
     518        pDst[x] = Pel(ClipBD<Int>(Int( ( pDst[x] + iOffSet ) >> iIFshift ), clipbd));
    517519      }
    518520    }
    525 Void TComYuv::addARPChroma( TComYuv* pcYuvSrc0, TComYuv* pcYuvSrc1, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiWidth, UInt uiHeight, Bool bClip )
     527Void TComYuv::addARPChroma( TComYuv* pcYuvSrc0, TComYuv* pcYuvSrc1, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiWidth, UInt uiHeight, Bool bClip, const BitDepths &clipBitDepths )
    527529  Int x, y;
    529   Pel* pSrcU0 = pcYuvSrc0->getCbAddr( uiAbsPartIdx );
    530   Pel* pSrcU1 = pcYuvSrc1->getCbAddr( uiAbsPartIdx );
    531   Pel* pSrcV0 = pcYuvSrc0->getCrAddr( uiAbsPartIdx );
    532   Pel* pSrcV1 = pcYuvSrc1->getCrAddr( uiAbsPartIdx );
    533   Pel* pDstU = getCbAddr( uiAbsPartIdx );
    534   Pel* pDstV = getCrAddr( uiAbsPartIdx );
    536   UInt  iSrc0Stride = pcYuvSrc0->getCStride();
    537   UInt  iSrc1Stride = pcYuvSrc1->getCStride();
    538   UInt  iDstStride  = getCStride();
    540   Int iIFshift = IF_INTERNAL_PREC - g_bitDepthC;
     531  Pel* pSrcU0 = pcYuvSrc0->getAddr( COMPONENT_Cb, uiAbsPartIdx );
     532  Pel* pSrcU1 = pcYuvSrc1->getAddr( COMPONENT_Cb, uiAbsPartIdx );
     533  Pel* pSrcV0 = pcYuvSrc0->getAddr( COMPONENT_Cr, uiAbsPartIdx );
     534  Pel* pSrcV1 = pcYuvSrc1->getAddr( COMPONENT_Cr, uiAbsPartIdx );
     535  Pel* pDstU = getAddr( COMPONENT_Cb, uiAbsPartIdx );
     536  Pel* pDstV = getAddr( COMPONENT_Cr, uiAbsPartIdx );
     538  UInt  iSrc0StrideCb = pcYuvSrc0->getStride(COMPONENT_Cb);
     539  UInt  iSrc1StrideCb = pcYuvSrc1->getStride(COMPONENT_Cb);
     540  UInt  iDstStrideCb  = getStride(COMPONENT_Cb);
     542  UInt  iSrc0StrideCr = pcYuvSrc0->getStride(COMPONENT_Cr);
     543  UInt  iSrc1StrideCr = pcYuvSrc1->getStride(COMPONENT_Cr);
     544  UInt  iDstStrideCr  = getStride(COMPONENT_Cr);
     546  const Int clipbd = clipBitDepths.recon[CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA];
     547  Int iIFshift = IF_INTERNAL_PREC - clipbd;
    541548  Int iOffSet  = ( 1 << ( iIFshift - 1 ) ) + IF_INTERNAL_OFFS;
    549556      if( bClip )
    550557      {
    551         pDstU[x] = ClipC( ( pDstU[x] + iOffSet ) >> iIFshift );
    552         pDstV[x] = ClipC( ( pDstV[x] + iOffSet ) >> iIFshift );
    553       }
    554     }
     558        pDstU[x] = Pel(ClipBD<Int>( Int( ( pDstU[x] + iOffSet ) >> iIFshift ), clipbd));
     559        pDstV[x] = Pel(ClipBD<Int>( Int( ( pDstV[x] + iOffSet ) >> iIFshift ), clipbd));
     560      }
     561    }
     563    pSrcU0 += iSrc0StrideCb;
     564    pSrcU1 += iSrc1StrideCb;
     565    pSrcV0 += iSrc0StrideCr;
     566    pSrcV1 += iSrc1StrideCr;
     567    pDstU  += iDstStrideCb;
     568    pDstV  += iDstStrideCr;
     569  }
     572Void TComYuv::subtractARP( TComYuv* pcYuvSrc0, TComYuv* pcYuvSrc1, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiWidth , UInt uiHeight )
     574  subtractARPLuma  ( pcYuvSrc0, pcYuvSrc1,  uiAbsPartIdx, uiWidth    , uiHeight    );
     576  if (uiWidth > 8 && pcYuvSrc1->getNumberValidComponents() > 1)
     577  {
     578    subtractARPChroma( pcYuvSrc0, pcYuvSrc1,  uiAbsPartIdx, uiWidth>>1 , uiHeight>>1 );
     579  }
     582Void TComYuv::subtractARPLuma( TComYuv* pcYuvSrc0, TComYuv* pcYuvSrc1, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiWidth , UInt uiHeight )
     584  Int x, y;
     586  Pel* pSrc0 = pcYuvSrc0->getAddr(COMPONENT_Y, uiAbsPartIdx );
     587  Pel* pSrc1 = pcYuvSrc1->getAddr(COMPONENT_Y, uiAbsPartIdx );
     588  Pel* pDst  = getAddr           (COMPONENT_Y, uiAbsPartIdx );
     590  Int  iSrc0Stride = pcYuvSrc0->getStride(COMPONENT_Y);
     591  Int  iSrc1Stride = pcYuvSrc1->getStride(COMPONENT_Y);
     592  Int  iDstStride  = getStride(COMPONENT_Y);
     593  for ( y = uiHeight-1; y >= 0; y-- )
     594  {
     595    for ( x = uiWidth-1; x >= 0; x-- )
     596    {
     597      pDst[x] = pSrc0[x] - pSrc1[x];
     598    }
     599    pSrc0 += iSrc0Stride;
     600    pSrc1 += iSrc1Stride;
     601    pDst  += iDstStride;
     602  }
     605Void TComYuv::subtractARPChroma( TComYuv* pcYuvSrc0, TComYuv* pcYuvSrc1, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiWidth , UInt uiHeight )
     607  Int x, y;
     609  Pel* pSrcU0 = pcYuvSrc0->getAddr(COMPONENT_Cb, uiAbsPartIdx );
     610  Pel* pSrcU1 = pcYuvSrc1->getAddr(COMPONENT_Cb, uiAbsPartIdx );
     611  Pel* pSrcV0 = pcYuvSrc0->getAddr(COMPONENT_Cr, uiAbsPartIdx );
     612  Pel* pSrcV1 = pcYuvSrc1->getAddr(COMPONENT_Cr, uiAbsPartIdx );
     613  Pel* pDstU  = getAddr(COMPONENT_Cb, uiAbsPartIdx );
     614  Pel* pDstV  = getAddr(COMPONENT_Cr, uiAbsPartIdx );
     616  Int  iSrc0Stride = pcYuvSrc0->getStride(COMPONENT_Cb);
     617  Int  iSrc1Stride = pcYuvSrc1->getStride(COMPONENT_Cb);
     618  Int  iDstStride  = getStride( COMPONENT_Cb );
     619  for ( y = uiHeight-1; y >= 0; y-- )
     620  {
     621    for ( x = uiWidth-1; x >= 0; x-- )
     622    {
     623      pDstU[x] = pSrcU0[x] - pSrcU1[x];
     624      pDstV[x] = pSrcV0[x] - pSrcV1[x];
     625    }
    556626    pSrcU0 += iSrc0Stride;
    557627    pSrcU1 += iSrc1Stride;
    565 Void TComYuv::subtractARP( TComYuv* pcYuvSrc0, TComYuv* pcYuvSrc1, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiWidth , UInt uiHeight )
    566 {
    567   subtractARPLuma  ( pcYuvSrc0, pcYuvSrc1,  uiAbsPartIdx, uiWidth    , uiHeight    );
    569   if (uiWidth > 8)
    570     subtractARPChroma( pcYuvSrc0, pcYuvSrc1,  uiAbsPartIdx, uiWidth>>1 , uiHeight>>1 );
    571 }
    573 Void TComYuv::subtractARPLuma( TComYuv* pcYuvSrc0, TComYuv* pcYuvSrc1, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiWidth , UInt uiHeight )
    574 {
    575   Int x, y;
    577   Pel* pSrc0 = pcYuvSrc0->getLumaAddr( uiAbsPartIdx );
    578   Pel* pSrc1 = pcYuvSrc1->getLumaAddr( uiAbsPartIdx );
    579   Pel* pDst  = getLumaAddr( uiAbsPartIdx );
    581   Int  iSrc0Stride = pcYuvSrc0->getStride();
    582   Int  iSrc1Stride = pcYuvSrc1->getStride();
    583   Int  iDstStride  = getStride();
    584   for ( y = uiHeight-1; y >= 0; y-- )
    585   {
    586     for ( x = uiWidth-1; x >= 0; x-- )
    587     {
    588       pDst[x] = pSrc0[x] - pSrc1[x];
    589     }
    590     pSrc0 += iSrc0Stride;
    591     pSrc1 += iSrc1Stride;
    592     pDst  += iDstStride;
    593   }
    594 }
    596 Void TComYuv::subtractARPChroma( TComYuv* pcYuvSrc0, TComYuv* pcYuvSrc1, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiWidth , UInt uiHeight )
    597 {
    598   Int x, y;
    600   Pel* pSrcU0 = pcYuvSrc0->getCbAddr( uiAbsPartIdx );
    601   Pel* pSrcU1 = pcYuvSrc1->getCbAddr( uiAbsPartIdx );
    602   Pel* pSrcV0 = pcYuvSrc0->getCrAddr( uiAbsPartIdx );
    603   Pel* pSrcV1 = pcYuvSrc1->getCrAddr( uiAbsPartIdx );
    604   Pel* pDstU  = getCbAddr( uiAbsPartIdx );
    605   Pel* pDstV  = getCrAddr( uiAbsPartIdx );
    607   Int  iSrc0Stride = pcYuvSrc0->getCStride();
    608   Int  iSrc1Stride = pcYuvSrc1->getCStride();
    609   Int  iDstStride  = getCStride();
    610   for ( y = uiHeight-1; y >= 0; y-- )
    611   {
    612     for ( x = uiWidth-1; x >= 0; x-- )
    613     {
    614       pDstU[x] = pSrcU0[x] - pSrcU1[x];
    615       pDstV[x] = pSrcV0[x] - pSrcV1[x];
    616     }
    617     pSrcU0 += iSrc0Stride;
    618     pSrcU1 += iSrc1Stride;
    619     pSrcV0 += iSrc0Stride;
    620     pSrcV1 += iSrc1Stride;
    621     pDstU  += iDstStride;
    622     pDstV  += iDstStride;
    623   }
    624 }
    626635Void TComYuv::multiplyARP( UInt uiAbsPartIdx , UInt uiWidth , UInt uiHeight , UChar dW )
    628637  multiplyARPLuma( uiAbsPartIdx , uiWidth , uiHeight , dW );
    630   if (uiWidth > 8)
     639  if ( uiWidth > 8 && getNumberValidComponents() > 1 )
     640  {
    631641    multiplyARPChroma( uiAbsPartIdx , uiWidth >> 1 , uiHeight >> 1 , dW );
     642  }
    641652Void TComYuv::multiplyARPLuma( UInt uiAbsPartIdx , UInt uiWidth , UInt uiHeight , UChar dW )
    643   Pel* pDst  = getLumaAddr( uiAbsPartIdx );
    644   Int  iDstStride  = getStride();
     654  Pel* pDst  = getAddr(COMPONENT_Y, uiAbsPartIdx );
     655  Int  iDstStride  = getStride(COMPONENT_Y);
    645656  for ( Int y = uiHeight-1; y >= 0; y-- )
    646657  {
    652663Void TComYuv::multiplyARPChroma( UInt uiAbsPartIdx , UInt uiWidth , UInt uiHeight , UChar dW )
    654   Pel* pDstU  = getCbAddr( uiAbsPartIdx );
    655   Pel* pDstV  = getCrAddr( uiAbsPartIdx );
    657   Int  iDstStride  = getCStride();
     665  Pel* pDstU  = getAddr( COMPONENT_Cb, uiAbsPartIdx );
     666  Pel* pDstV  = getAddr( COMPONENT_Cr, uiAbsPartIdx );
     668  Int  iDstStride  = getStride( COMPONENT_Cb );
    658669  for ( Int y = uiHeight-1; y >= 0; y-- )
    659670  {
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