Opened 8 years ago #115 new defectRegion-of-interest offset issue
There's an issue regarding ROI scalable coding in SHM-12.2. //Luma: piSrcY = piSrcBufY + windowRL.getWindowLeftOffset() + windowRL.getWindowTopOffset() * strideBL; //Luma: for (i = 0; i < heightEL; i++) { for (j = 0; j < widthEL; j++) { piDstY[j] = piSrcY[j] << shift; } piSrcY += strideBL; piDstY += strideEL; }
Similar changes need to be applied to chroma components: //Chroma: piSrcU = piSrcBufU + (windowRL.getWindowLeftOffset() / chromaHorScalingEL) + (windowRL.getWindowTopOffset() / chromaVerScalingEL) * strideBL; piSrcV = piSrcBufV + (windowRL.getWindowLeftOffset() / chromaHorScalingEL) + (windowRL.getWindowTopOffset() / chromaVerScalingEL) * strideBL; piDstU = piDstBufU + (scalEL.getWindowLeftOffset() / chromaHorScalingEL) + (scalEL.getWindowTopOffset() / chromaVerScalingEL) * strideEL; piDstV = piDstBufV + (scalEL.getWindowLeftOffset() / chromaHorScalingEL) + (scalEL.getWindowTopOffset() / chromaVerScalingEL) * strideEL; for (i = 0; i < heightEL; i++) { for (j = 0; j < widthEL; j++) { piDstU[j] = piSrcU[j] << shift; piDstV[j] = piSrcV[j] << shift; } piSrcU += strideBL; piSrcV += strideBL; piDstU += strideEL; piDstV += strideEL; } Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets. | This list contains all users that will be notified about changes made to this ticket. These roles will be notified: Reporter, Owner, Subscriber, Participant