Custom query (105 matches)


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Results (52 - 54 of 105)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#53 fixed setNumDirectRefLayers in InitSPS Vadim jaypadia

setNumDirectRefLayers is set using numAddLayerSets. It should be m_numDirectRefLayers

Void TEncTop::xInitSPS() { #if SVC_EXTENSION

m_cSPS.setExtensionFlag( m_layerId > 0 ? true : false );




#54 fixed Use of sps_rep_format_idx Vadim jaypadia

To correctly use the SPS repformat when the sps_rep_format_idx is present, the way RepFormat value is passed needs to be fixed.

vps->getVpsRepFormat( vps->getVpsRepFormatIdx(sps->getUpdateRepFormatFlag() ? sps->getUpdateRepFormatIndex() : layerId) )

should be changed to (patch has the fix)

vps->getVpsRepFormat(sps->getUpdateRepFormatFlag() ? sps->getUpdateRepFormatIndex() : vps->getVpsRepFormatIdx(layerId))

Ref: RepFormat* getVpsRepFormat(Int idx) { return &m_vpsRepFormat[idx]; } --- Takes RefFormatIdx as the input This value is selected based on The variable repFormatIdx is derived as follows (spec): – If update_rep_format_flag is equal to 0, the variable repFormatIdx is set equal to vps_rep_format_idx[ LayerIdxInVps[ layerIdCurr ] ]. – Otherwise (update_rep_format_flag is equal to 1), repFormatIdx is set equal to sps_rep_format_idx.

#55 fixed Signalling of syntax element all_layers_idr_aligned_flag in VPS VUI Vadim fhendry

The signalling of all_layers_idr_aligned_flag is different from the spec and may cause a bug.

When the following situation happen, the signalling is different from what is expected according to the spec:

  • vps_vui_present_flag is equal to 1
  • cross_layer_pic_type_aligned_flag is equal to 1

In such case, the cross_layer_irap_aligned_flag is not signalled but its value is inferred to be 1 (i.e., equal to vps_vui_present_flag) and the syntax element all_layers_idr_aligned_flag must be signalled.

However, with the current implementation, syntax element all_layers_idr_aligned_flag would not be signalled.

Patch to fix this is attached.

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