Custom query (19 matches)


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Status: closed (13 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#93 Problem when opening files in decoder Vadim defect minor SHM software SHM-11.0
#94 decoder crashed on reference bitstreams Vadim defect minor SHM software SHM-11.0
#96 get scaled ref window from PPS Vadim defect minor SHM software SHM-11.0
#97 no build with AVC_BASE 0 Vadim defect minor SHM software SHM-11.0
#100 wrong region height count Vadim defect major SHM software SHM-11.0
#102 NO_CLRAS_OUTPUT_FLAG may not be disabled Vadim defect minor SHM software SHM-11.0
#104 The encoder output shows the framerate in the intraPeriod field Vadim defect minor SHM software SHM-11.0
#106 encoder crashes without message Vadim defect minor SHM software SHM-11.0
#108 wrong loop Vadim defect minor SHM software SHM-11.0
#109 syntax naming mismatch Vadim defect minor SHM software SHM-11.0
#114 Bug in parsing of Profile Tier Level Vadim defect minor SHM software SHM-11.0
#101 wrong conformance check on encoder side Vadim enhancement minor SHM software SHM-11.0
#110 naming mismatch Vadim enhancement minor SHM software SHM-11.0

Status: new (6 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#99 wrong assert in the decoder and encoder Vadim defect minor SHM software SHM-11.0
#103 wrong windows derivation Vadim defect minor SHM software SHM-11.0
#112 not working with m_pcCfg->getEfficientFieldIRAPEnabled() == false Vadim defect minor SHM software SHM-11.0
#113 wrong condtion on resampling Vadim defect critical SHM software SHM-11.0
#98 too long info message Vadim enhancement trivial SHM software SHM-11.0
#107 too long linking time in Visual Studio Vadim technical change minor SHM software SHM-11.0
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